
 Making Your CV More Effective—a Monster guide 让你的履历更成功--一份 Monster 指南

You've got the basic elements of your skills and experience down. 你已经将你的技能和经历的基本要素写下。
Now you need to fine-tune your CV to ensure it's got the X factor that will have employers queuing up for your services. 现在你需要调整你的履历来确保它有那 X 因素,让雇主排队等你来上班的因素。
Your CV must make the reader believe you're a worthwhile product. 你的履历必须让读者相信你是一个有价值的商品。
Business people generally have the same objectives: profit, bigger market share, 商人通常都有同样的目标:利润、更大的市占率、
developing their business, and creating new products for their customers. 拓展事业,以及替顾客创造新产品。
They will look for candidates who will help them to achieve these objectives. 他们会寻找能帮助成就这些目标的候选人。
Whether you have two months' or 20 years' worth of experience, the rules are the same: 无论你有两个月还是二十年的资历,规则都是一样的:
Show what you've done or have the potential to bring to the table. 秀出你过去的成就或有潜力提供什么帮助。
Achievements come in all shapes and sizes and are different for every job. 成就有各种形式和规模,而且每个工作都不一样。
For some, you'll be able to show concrete evidence, such as percentage increases in sales or money saved by streamlining; 有一些成就,你能展示出具体证明,例如销售百分比成长或提高效率省下金钱;
for others, you will need to work harder to show that the influence you had on a project or task made a major impact. 其它的,你会需要更努力表现出来,给人看你在一个企划或任务上的作用造成很大的影响。 
Try to pick at least one specific example per job you've held and explain briefly how it improved the business. 试着从你做过的每份工作中挑出至少一个特定案例,并简单说明那如何提升生意。
It can't be stressed often enough that your CV is designed to get you the interview, not the job. 有一点再怎么强调都不够,履历是设计来让你有面试机会,而非得到工作。
So remember not to delve into too much detail. 所以记得不要过度着墨小细节。
Provide enough information to entice your potential employers to call you in 提供足够信息吸引潜在雇主请你去,
so you can explain face to face the exact details of the tasks you've undertaken and the skills you've learnt. 这样你才能当面解说你经手过的工作的精确细节,以及你学到的技能。
Be careful not to give valuable space to insignificant achievements. 注意不要留宝贵的空间给不重要的成就。
As you refine your CV, discard any content that is not selling you in the right way. 在你润饰履历时,舍去任何没有正确推销自己的内容。
From management talk to obscure abbreviation, the world of business is packed full of cliches, and most of us hate them. 从管理用语到难懂的缩写,商场上充斥着陈腔滥调,而我们大多数人都厌恶那些。
Phrases such as team player, results-orientated, and good communicator are worthless without evidence. 像是善于团队合作的人、结果导向和擅于沟通者这样的词要是没有证据都是没用的。
Be very careful of using abbreviations, especially if you're changing industry. 用缩写时要非常小心,特别是若你正在转换跑道。
The first person who evaluates your CV is usually somebody in the HR team, who may not be an expert in your field. 第一个检视你的履历的人通常是人资团队的某个人,他可能不是你那个领域的专家。
Technology has made everyone's life easier when it comes to recruitment. 提到征才时,科技使每个人的生活变得更容易。
From uploading your CV to an online database so employers can pick out your skills 从上传履历到在线数据库让雇主能挑选你的专长,
to recording a video CV that gives employers a visual overview of what you can offer their company, 到录制影音履历让雇主用眼睛一览你能为他们公司提供什么,
your only limitation is your own creativity. 你唯一的限制是你的创意。
This guide was brought to you by Monster. For more advice, jobs, and career tools, visit monster.co.uk. 这份指南由 Monster 带给您。想了解更多建议、工作机会、还有职场工具,请上 monster.co.uk。