美国语文第六册 第122期:拉法耶特和罗伯特·莱克斯(4)(在线收听

 Not such would have been the reception of Robert Raikes, in the land of the Pilgrims and of Penn, of the Catholic, the Cavalier, and the Huguenot. 在朝圣者和宾西法比亚,在天主教徒、骑士和胡格诺教徒的土地上,是不会这样招待罗伯特·莱克斯的。

And who does not rejoice that it would be impossible thus to welcome this primitive Christian, the founder of Sunday schools? 谁会对这样就无法迎接这位早期基督徒——主日学校的建立者不高兴呢?
His heralds would be the preachers of the Gospel, and the eminent in piety, benevolence, and zeal. 他的信使都是福音布道者,和虔诚、仁慈而又热心的名人。
His procession would number in its ranks the messengers of the Cross and the disciples of the Savior, Sunday-school teachers and white-robed scholars. 他的队伍按阶层依次有十字军的信使和救世军的门徒,还有主日学校的教师和穿长袍的学者。
The temples of the Most High would be the scenes of his triumph. 最高的圣殿是见证他的胜利的场所。
Homage and gratitude to him, would be anthems of praise and thanksgiving to God. 对他的敬意和感激,将是对上帝的赞美诗和感恩。
Parents would honor him as more than a brother; children would reverence him as more than a father. 为人父母们对他不只是像兄弟那样酬之以荣。孩子们对他的尊敬也不只是像对父亲那样。
The faltering words of age, the firm and sober voice of manhood, the silvery notes of youth, would bless him as a Christian patron. 老年人那些支支吾吾的话语,成年人坚定而冷静的声音,年轻人的银铃般的声音,都祝福他为基督教守护神。
The wise and the good would acknowledge him everywhere as a national benefactor, as a patriot even to a land of strangers. 明智和善良的人在任何地方都会认为他是国家的恩人、爱国者,甚至在陌生人的土地上亦是如此。
He would have come a messenger of peace to a land of peace. 对和平的土地而言,他就是和平的使者。
No images of camps, and sieges, and battles; no agonies of the dying and the wounded; 没有露营,围困和战争场面;没有奄奄一息和受伤的痛苦;
no shouts of victory, or processions of triumph, would mingle with the recollections of the multitude who welcomed him. 没有什么胜利后的欢呼或胜利后的游行,能够混合欢迎他的许多人的回忆。