打工姐妹花第二季 第78期:糖果店老板来邀请(在线收听

 Did she tell you she projectile-puked soup and sloppy seconds all over a really cute guy and his floor? 她有跟你说她吐了一地的东西在人家帅哥的店里吗?

Let me put it this way, Caroline. 我这么说吧,卡洛琳。
In my heroin days, that would have been a perfectly acceptable first date. 在我还吸海洛因那会,首次约会发生这档事都还不算糟呢。
I don't understand it. We ate the exact same thing. How could you have not have gotten sick? 我就不懂了。我们吃了一样的东西。你怎么吃了一点事都没有?
You must still have "rch girl" stomach. I'm used to poor food. 你大小姐的胃吃不惯。但我穷人的胃早吃惯了。
What made you sick made my skin clear up. 你吃了要病,我吃还能皮肤变好呢。
Hi, girls. Hey, Sophie. I'll be in my booth. 姑娘们。你好啊,苏菲。我坐我老位子。
Well, this is weird. It's okay. You didn't know. Don't let it happen again. Okay, good-bye now. 奇了怪了。算了,不知者无罪。下不为例。好了,你们走吧。
Sophie, what do you think you're doing? 苏菲,你刚是在干啥呢?
What? They were sitting in my booth. 怎么,他们坐了我的卡座。
It is not your booth, it's my booth. 才不是你的,卡座是我的。
If it was your booth, wouldn't it have a booster seat? 如果是你的卡座,怎么没有儿童垫高椅呢?
Oh, Sophie wants to dance? We gonna dance. 苏菲你想玩,我陪你玩到底。
Max. Hi. It's Andy. From the store. 麦克斯。是我,安迪,糖果店的。
The guy who let you walk out with a push pop in your pocket. 让你偷拿一管口红糖而不逮住你的店老板。
That wasn't a Push Pop, Andy. I was happy to see you. 那一根可不是"口红糖",安迪。很高兴再见。
Well, you're gonna be even happier in a minute. Yay! 那你现在要更高兴了。爽耶!
But these come with a catch. Invites for Caroline and you to a party at my candy store. 我这是先礼后兵。我邀请你跟卡洛琳来参加我店里的派对。
But maybe don't wear that uniform. People are gonna think you're a giant Sugar Daddy. 来的时候还是别穿这身制服吧。会被误认是人形"蜜糖老爹"糖。
So, she's still going at it, huh? Such a skinny girl. How much more can come out of her? 她还吐着呢?这么瘦的姑娘,还有多少能吐啊。
Nah, she's just a little embarrassed. Something about self-esteem. I don't know. 不是啦,她是有点羞于见你。自尊之类的事情在作怪吧。
She throws it around like it means something. 她老把自尊搞得煞有其事的。
Well, I'd love her to come. No pressure. 我很希望她能来,别有压力。
But if you can talk her into it, there'll be unlimited candy for you for the rest of your life. 但如果你能说服她来,我就会请你吃糖,免费吃到你死的那天。
Look at him, stealing my bit. 看那男的,还抄袭我的招。