打工姐妹花第二季 第92期:给男生们喷水(在线收听

 Yep, Chestnut, pretty soon you'll be safe and sound, with a roof over your head, 小栗宝,你很快就能住得舒服安稳了,有屋顶帮你遮风挡雨,

and you and I can finally be safe from the unending torment of that condom-throwing cat. 我们再也不用担惊受怕,不必再被那丢避孕套的臭猫精神折磨了。
All ready for my second date. 准备好要赴第二次约会了。
Slut, party of one. Slut, party of one. 有骚货大驾光临。有骚货大驾光临。
You know it. Plus, I'm taking him to that bar where only cheap girls go to get laid. 你懂的。而且,我还要带他去那家低档浪妹爱去求欢的酒吧。
You know, the one you like. 就是你爱去的那家酒吧啊。
Oh, the Just Slip It Inn? 那个"进去"吧吗?
And if that place plus this outfit doesn't put his pedal to my metal, it's clearly never happening. 去那地方加我这身衣服,他还继续三过我"门"而不"入",那肯定就没戏了。
Well, that outfit's sexy, but not foolproof. 这衣服是挺性感,但也不是一看便知吧。
Oh, it's not? Follow me, please. 还不够明显示意吗?跟我来。
Jacob. And I'm not saying I'm that hot, 雅各布。我没说自己真那么诱人,
but I've never seen anybody drop wood and get wood at the same time. 但我好歹没见过有人能同时掉硬木又起"硬棒"的哦。
Bye, baby, mama's going to get day-laid. 宝贝再见,妈咪要在白天滚床单啦。
Hey, Max. Would it be okay if we take our shirts off? We're sweating, and... Yes. 麦克斯。你介意我们脱掉上衣吗?我们满身大汗又...快。
I mean, that's-sure, whatever. If you want to. Oh, crap. I don't have any ones. 我是说,都好啦,随便。你们决定吧。靠,我身上没小额纸钞。
Could you spray me with that water bottle? 能用喷水器喷我们身子吗?
Oh, right. Oh, I'm going to spray you. Is that really what you think is going to happen? 想得美呢,用这种伎俩。你们觉得这烂招现实吗?
I'm going to spray you, and then I'm going to get turned on, 我洒水让你"湿身",然后我看得欲火焚身,
and then I'll start spraying stutter stud over there, and then we're all having sex? 然后我也洒洒这匹结巴的小种马,最后一起玩3p吗?
No, Max. I got him. Here you go, puppies. Oh, now I wet the shy one. 不用,麦克斯,我来。来吧,小乖乖。现在换打湿害羞的那个。
Oh, and, boys, I'm going to need you to come up here next and fix something because it broke. 小乖乖们,等会我也想请你们上来,我有东西坏了,来帮我修修吧。
What's broken? That. 什么东西坏了?那个。