打工姐妹花第二季 第117期:疯狂拍老鼠(在线收听

 Oh, my God! Oh, my God, I see it! There it is! The mouse? 妈呀,我的老天啊,我看到了,在那里!那小老鼠吗?

That is not a mouse! That is a car that a mouse drives! 才不是小老鼠!那简直是有小老鼠开的车那么大!
Oh my God. Where did you see it? It was in the middle, right? Why are you whispering? 天啊,你看到它在哪?刚是在中间,对吧?你干嘛那么小声?
I don't want him to hear me. 我怕被他听见我。
How do you know it's a he? 你怎么知道是个"他"?
He looked at me kind of rapey. 他好像用眼神强奸了我
There! He just ran behind the thing! 那边,他跑到那玩意后面了!
What thing? That thing! This thing? Waah! What? Did you see it? 什么玩意?那个玩意啊!这个玩意吗?怎么,你看见它了吗?
I don't think so. 不确定。
Oh, you'd know so. It has a saddle. 哪能不确定,它背上有马鞍呢。
Oh, my God. He just opened the door with the strength of his whiskers. 天啊。他刚靠胡须的巨力把那门顶开了。
He's gone. He went into the kitchen. Oh, what should we do? Should we call the cops? 他进了厨房,不见了。我们该怎么办啊?要不要叫警察叔叔来?
He doesn't have a gun. Let's just get out of here. 他又没持枪。咱们就赶紧闪人。
We'll call an exterminator in the morning. 然后明早让除害虫公司来搞吧。
Too late, he's coming back! Aah! He's charging us! He's gonna bite me! 晚了,他又回来了。他朝我们冲过来了!他要来咬我了!
You can stop now! You painted him to death. 可以停手了!你把人家活活刷死了。
I just got a glimpse of you at a Barneys sample sale. 我仿佛看到了你在巴尼百货大抢购的画面。
What a mess. Who's gonna clean that up? 血肉横飞,谁去清理啊?
The intern? 实习生吧?