美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2007-10-04(在线收听

1.A giant sinkhole has swallowed at least one home in La Jolla, California and more are in danger. Some houses have been evacuated. Officials cut off power to the area. The sinkhole is about 50 yards long.

2.Recovery crews are trying to retrieve the bodies of five workers trapped underground after a fire. The group initially survived the fire. Four other workers escaped. An investigation is underway into what caused the blaze.

3.President Bush has vetoed a bipartisan children's health insurance bill. The project would have added 35 billion dollars over five years to the program. But the president said it was too costly. He said he believes in private medicine not the federal government running the health care system.

4.Former President Jimmy Carter found himself on the wrong side of security forces in Darfur. He was visiting refugees too afraid to attend a meeting when the local national security chief told him to leave. The 83-year-old Carter got into a shouting match with the official but ultimately left.