
 Let's play a game. Think of a famous painting. Guess what? You just thought of me. 我们来玩个游戏。心想一幅著名画作。猜猜怎么着?你刚才脑中浮现的是我。

Today, I'm the world's most renowned work of art, but it wasn't always this way. 在现代,我是举世最闻名的艺术品,但并不是一直都这样。
My story is full of surprises, and it all began in a studio in Florence. 我的故事充满惊奇,而一切都要从佛罗伦萨的一间工作室说起。
Well, here's the master himself, Leonardo da Vinci. He worked on me on and off for a few years towards the end of his career. 嗯,这就是大师本人,李奥纳多·达文西。他陆陆续续地绘制我几年,直到他艺术生涯的终点。
You're a minor work, my dear. Some interesting shading, nothing more. 亲爱的,妳只是幅不重要的作品。一些饶富趣味的明暗变化,就这样。
We'll just see about that. 我们等着瞧。
Over the next 300 years, I hung quietly in French palaces and royal bathrooms. The things I've seen... 接下来三百年,我静静地挂在法国皇宫和王室厕所内。我瞧过的东西啊...
I want you! 我要妳!
Until finally I was noticed by a man who had already made quite a name for himself. 直到我终于被一个早就颇有声望的男人看上。
When Napoleon chose me to hang on his bedroom wall, people took notice. 当拿破仑选我挂在他卧房墙上时,人们注意到了。
I look forward to sleeping with you, my cherie. 我很期待和妳一同入睡,我的小甜心。
After he had his whole exile-from-France thing, they tossed me on a wall at the Louvre. 在他被赶出法国之后,人们将我任意置在罗浮宫的一面墙上。
But at this point, I was still just another Renaissance portrait. Until one night... 但在这时候,我仍不过是又一幅文艺复兴时期的肖像画罢了。直到有一晚...
Bella. ...I was stolen! 美人儿。...我被偷了!
It was pandemonium. Paris was in an uproar. The police hauled people in left and right. 那是场大混乱。巴黎陷入一阵骚动。警察到处逮捕人。
The hysteria hit a fever pitch when the police suspected and interrogated one of the most famous artists in the world—Pablo Picasso. 而这股歇斯底里达到白热化,在警方怀疑并审问全世界最有名的艺术家之一--巴勃罗·毕卡索。
But Picasso was innocent. The thief turned out to be an Italian carpenter. He was caught in Florence, and I returned to the Louvre. 但毕卡索是无辜的。小偷原来是一名义大利木匠。他在佛罗伦萨被逮捕,而我则重返罗浮宫。
From that day forward, I became the darling of the art world. 从那天起,我成为艺术界的最爱。
Everyone wanted to see Napoleon's da Vinci painting Picasso was suspected of stealing. 大家都想看那幅毕卡索被怀疑是小偷、拿破仑拥有的达文西画作。
Soon, tourists crowded in, and most people forgot why I was famous in the first place. 不久后,游客们蜂拥而入,而多数人已忘了我最初出名的原因。
That might raise some eyebrows, but not mine since I don't have any. 那可能会让有些人惊讶挑眉,但我可不会,因为我根本没有眉毛。
Oh! You didn't notice I don't have any eyebrows? I told you—I'm full of surprises. 喔!你没注意到我没有眉毛吗?就跟你说啦--我充满惊奇。