打工姐妹花第二季 第143期:看望苏菲(在线收听

 Hey, are we sure that money Sophie gave us was a gift? 你确定那钱是苏菲作为礼物送给我们的吗?

Yes. She gave it to us to support our dream. 当然,表示她支持我们的梦想。
I know when I had money, I gave it out freely, and never expected anything in return. 我懂的,我有钱的时候,我都会无偿送出去,而且从未期望对方有所回报。
Like when I gave my maid that gorgeous rendi. 比如我把那个漂亮的"分迪"包送给我女仆。
Well, I don't know about people not expecting stuff back. 我不了解不求回报的人的心态。
One time, a guy bought me a slushy, and for the next three weeks, he owned me. 有一次,一个男的给我买了一杯冰沙,接下来的三周,我成了他的人。
No, he really owned me. Eight days in, I almost got traded to a trucker. 不是说笑的,他是真正地拥有我。八天后,我差点被卖个一个卡车司机。
And I wouldn't even mention her gift. 我甚至不会提到她的礼物。
It will only insult her, and I promise, nobody is expecting us to give the money back. 还钱只会像羞辱她,我保证,没人指望我们把钱还给她。
Come in, girls. Did you bring the check? 进来吧,姑娘们,支票带了吗?
No, because it was a gift-a big-ass gift, but we brought our love and we brought cupcakes. 没带,那是她送我们的礼物,大礼,但我们带来我们的爱和小蛋糕。
Well, I doubt she'll eat them. She hasn't even touched her kapusniak, 我怀疑她是否会吃。她连她的高丽菜汤都一口没喝,
which is the dish traditionally served to polish women who have been wronged by their contractors. 那还是专门给被承包商欺诈的波兰女人吃的传统菜肴呢。
Such a specific culture. 这个习俗还真明确啊。
But that's not the worst thing. 那还不是最糟的事情。
She is so depressed, no sex, which is big problem for me, because I find depressed women very hot. 她非常低落,毫无性致,这对我来说可是个大难题,因为我觉得抑郁的女人非常性感。
A lot of guys do. Why do you think I haven't paid for a drink in six years? 很多男人都这样。不然我为什么六年来喝酒都没掏过一分钱?
I'll go in and tell her you're here. 我进去告诉她你们来了。
She's just lying there on the bed, lifeless, hot... lifeless, hot... The big tease. 她就这么躺在床上,死气沉沉,风情万种,性感撩人。