打工姐妹花第二季 第168期:抵达住处(2)(在线收听

 Well, I guess you guys are the couple, so I'll sleep on the couch. 好吧,你们才是一对,我去睡沙发吧。

I can sleep anywhere. First two years of my life, my bed was a pile of unopened mail. 我睡哪都行的。我刚出生那两年,就是睡在一大叠没读过的信上呢。
A big, roaring fire is gonna be so romantic. 烧得旺盛的炉火肯定会超级浪漫呢。
Come over here closer to me, you big eagle scout. 过来跟我靠近一点嘛,牛逼鹰童军哥哥。
Well, now you sound like my scoutmaster. 你这语气好像我的童军团长。
Hey, don't start anything you can't finish in a minute. 不够时间"处理"好,就被乱"开始"啊。
Max'll be right out. Something tells me she's not a consistent Hand-washer. 麦克斯很快会回来。不知为何,就感觉她不是好好洗手的那种人。
You do your thing. I'm just gonna sit right here, and watch my man build a fire. 你忙你的吧。我就在一边坐好,然后看我男人升火。
Oh, great, this is cedar! 这是雪松木呢!
It's gonna smell so awesome. I love falling asleep to the sound of a fire. 烧起来味道很棒。我最爱听着柴火燃烧的声音入眠了。
Oh, my God. I know, no business stuff, but I just got a text about a big order. 我的天啊。我知道不该忙公事,但有人发短信给我要下大单呢。
That's fine, just remember this weekend... 没事,别忘了这个周末...
Oh, I know, me and you. Me and you, me and you... 我知道,我与你。我与你,我与你嘛。
Max! Max. Turns out the B.S. bride isn't B.S. 麦克斯,麦克斯。原来胡扯新娘没胡扯呢。
She wants pricing on a wedding cupcake cake, and a groom's cupcake cake, for 300 guests. 她来问我们婚礼小蛋糕,与新郎的小蛋糕蛋糕了,要供300位宾客呢。
Great! Almost as great as these little fuzzy shoes! 不错!但还比不上这毛绒小鞋鞋呢!
They were in a sealed plastic package. I'm the first one to ever open them. 它们被密封在塑料包装里。而我是第一个拆封的人。
They're like condoms for your feet! 简直就像是给脚穿的避孕套呢!
New shoes, new shoes. Where are you going? 新鞋鞋,新鞋鞋。你上哪呢?
To the sauna. Hopefully, I'll be abducted on my way, 去桑拿房啊。真希望可以在路上被外星人绑架,
but know that even though I'm gone, I'm happier up there with my alien lover. 我希望你们知道,就算被绑架我也会跟我的外星爱人过更幸福的日子。
True, they don't have lips, but they do have crazy-long fingers. 的确,它们没有嘴唇,但它们有超长的手指可以"服务"我啊。
I'll go with you. Not to talk about work, but she can't go alone. There might be bears. 我跟你一起去吧。不是去谈公事,但总不能让她自己去,附近可能有熊呢。
There were always bears at my chalet in Aspen, in the woods, lying on the floors, everywhere. 我在瑞士的山中小屋附近就老有熊,在林子里啊,躺地上啊,到处都有熊。
You know, until PETA attacked the house. 善待动物组织来过之后,才全没有的。