打工姐妹花第二季 第174期:分歧出现(在线收听

 Andy, I'm sorry about your birthday. 安迪,抱歉忘了你的生日。

It just went out of my head. I feel bad. 我脑子愣是没记住。我很内疚。
And I feel sick. Can you stop swinging the bed? 我很想吐。你能不能别晃这张床了?
Sorry, I'm nervous. 抱歉,我紧张嘛。
Yeah, you're nervous a lot, which is why our other bed isn't moving at all. 对啊,你就是常常紧张,所以我们其他的床从来不"动"。
No, no, no, no, no, don't go. Come back. Come back to the sex bed. 别别别,别走啊。过来,快回到性爱之床上。
Let's get some sex going! 我们现在就开"动"吧!
Come on! We can get this bed moving now! 来啊,我们现在就能让这床"大动特动"
See! See? Oh, it's your birthday! It's your birthday! It's tomorrow. 看!看见没?今天是你的生日,今天是你的生日!是明天啦。
Okay. Okay. I can do better, see? 好吧,好吧。我可以做得更好,你看?
Here we go! Now, here we go! Wanna see me twerk it? 好戏上场!精彩不断!想看我跳钢管舞吗?
If I'd had any food, I would throw up. 如果我有吃东西,一定全吐出来。
Okay, yeah, have a seat. Let's have some bread. 好了,快坐下来吧。吃点面包。
Has it really been that long since we had sex? 我们真的有那么久没做爱了吗
Sweetie, after that dance, it's hard to believe you've ever had sex. 亲爱的,跳完那段舞,很难相信会有人愿意跟你做爱。
It hasn't been that long. The shop opened on the 12th, so it's... What? 没有那么久啦。蛋糕店是12号开业的,所以...怎么了?
No, it's just interesting you had no problem remembering that date. 没什么,真有意思,开业的日子你倒是能轻易想起来。
Let me ask you a question. Where do you think you're going? 那我问你个问题。你觉得你会走到哪里?
What do you mean? I'm here. 这话什么意思,我就在这里啊。
No. Where do you think you're going? Like, where do you see your life in a year? 不。你觉得你以后的路会走到哪里?比如,你觉得你一年后的生活会如何?
Well, pretty soon, Max and I will be out of this rough patch, 很快,我和麦克斯将会度过这个难关,
and full force with the business, doing weddings and big events, 并全力以赴经营蛋糕店,承办婚礼和大型宴会,
and then Max and I will probably open another store, get a bigger apartment. 然后我和麦克斯可能会开一家分店,换一间大点的公寓。
Okay, and am I in there somewhere? 好,那这里面有我吗?
Oh, come on. I was getting to you. 拜托,我刚准备说你呢。
Were you? When? When were you getting to me? After your business is a success? 是吗?什么时候,什么时候才会轮到我?在你的事业获得成功之后吗?
No! Now. Come on. Sex time in the sex bed. Wanna do it on the floor? 不,现在啊。来嘛,在性爱之床上滚床单。想在地板上"滚"吗?