
 It's supposed to be 70 degrees today; it's freezing here. Speaking of global warming, where is—we need some global warming! It's freezing! 今天应该要有华氏 70 度;可是这里好冷。讲到全球暖化,哪里啊--我们需要一点暖化!有够冷的!

From the creators of the Academy Award-winning An Inconvenient Truth 奥斯卡得奖电影《不愿面对的真相》团队打造
The most criticized scene in the movie An Inconvenient Truth was showing that 电影《不愿面对的真相》里最受争议的一幕,
the combination of sea level rise and storm surge would flood the 9/11 Memorial site, and people said, "What a terrible exaggeration." 就是拍摄出海平面上升和暴潮将淹没 911 纪念遗址,人们说:「这太危言耸听了吧。」
Hurricane Sandy slammed into New York City last night, flooding the World Trade Center site. 飓风珊迪昨晚重挫纽约市,大水淹没世贸中心遗址。
Storms get stronger and more destructive. Watch the water splash off the city. This is global warming. 暴风雨的威力更强大,变得更具毁灭性。看这大雨冲毁城市。这就是全球暖化。
I felt so scared, so I hid. 我好害怕,所以我就躲起来。
Despair can be paralyzing, but this, to me, is the most exciting new development. 绝望可能让人手足无措,但这对我来说是最振奋人心的新进展。
We're seeing a tremendous amount of positive change. The basis is there, but it's still not enough. 我们正看到许多正向的改变。基础已经打好了,但还是不够。
It's crunch time at the climate change conference in Paris... 现在是巴黎气候变迁大会决定性的一刻...
...feel some really tough negotiations going on. ...可以感受到正在进行一些艰难的协商。
What would it take to shift to renewables? I'm talking about breaking the impasse. 改用可再生能源的代价是什么?我说的是打破僵局。
Virtually every nation in the entire world agreed to get to zero greenhouse emissions. It is unprecedented. 几乎全世界所有国家都同意要达到温室气体零排放。这是前所未见的局面。
It's time to put America first. That includes a promise to cancel billions in climate change spending. Our plan will end the EPA. 是时候把美国放在第一位了。那包含一个承诺,砍掉好几十亿花在气候变迁上的经费。我们的计划将会终结美国环保局。
The next generation would be justified in looking back at us and asking, 我们的下一代将有理由回头看着我们并问:
"What were you thinking? Couldn't you hear what the scientists were saying? Couldn't you hear what Mother Nature was screaming at you?" 「你们到底在想什么?难道你们没听见科学家说的吗?难道你们听不见大自然在耳边的怒吼吗?」
This movement is in the tradition of every great movement that has advanced humankind. 这一个行动和史上每个让人类更进步的伟大行动一样。
We're not going to recognize it. We don't want to discuss it. 我们不会承认这现象是真的。我们不想多作讨论。
It is right to save humanity. It is wrong to pollute this earth. It is right to give hope to the future generation. 拯救人类是对的。污染地球是错误的。留给后代希望是正确的事。
Don't let anybody tell you that we're gonna get on rocket ships and live on Mars. This is our home. 不要听信任何人说我们会坐上火箭然后住到火星上。这是我们的家。