美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2007-10-10(在线收听

1. There are no survivors from Sunday's plane crash in Washington State. Rescuers recovered the bodies of all 10 people on board. The passengers were flying home from a skydiving event.

2. Michael Devlin has pleaded guilty to kidnapping Shawn Hornbeck and holding the Missouri teen captive for more than four years. Monday Devlin pleaded guilty to kidnapping a second boy earlier this year.

3. An Iraqi Interior Ministry spokesman says the Dubai-based security firm Unity Resources Group was responsible for the shooting deaths of two Iraqi women in Baghdad. Security contractor Blackwater USA had earlier denied any involvement in the shooting. Blackwater is under investigation for a September shooting that also killed Iraqi civilians.

4. The family of a New York man wants a veterans' cemetery to remove the body of another man buried in their relative's grave site. The cemetery says the impostor had the same name, Social Security number and military credentials as the real man.