陨落星辰第一季 第141期:兵分四路(在线收听

 Circle up!  围成一圈

If the 4th and 5th had made it to their set point,  如果四团和五团到达了集结点
their runners were supposed to meet us here.  传令兵应该会过来与我们碰头
We're gonna have to assume that they've been taken out.  只能假设他们已经阵亡
Meaning we got two choices -- tetreat or keep going. 也就是说我们面临两个选择,撤退或继续
Now, you men know how I feel.  你们都知道我的感受
But each of you has to make your own decision.  但是你们必须自己做出选择
I'm in. So am I! I'm in! I'm in, too! 我加入。我也是。加入。我也加入
Okay. We split up here. 好的。我们在此分头行动
Each of the four squads, four separate charges 组成四个小队,分头行动
One for each leg of that damned thing.  每支小队负责那玩意儿的一条腿
Squad one -- north leg. Yes, sir. 一号小队负责北面。遵命
Two -- east. Roger that. 二队,东面。收到
Three -- south leg.  三队,南面
I'll stay here and take the west leg.  我会留在这里负责西面
At 19:00 hours, I'll send Hal and Anthony to recon with the other squads. 19点,我会派哈尔和安东尼与其他小队会合
Everybody's in place, we wait until dark, move in, position our charges. 大家就位,等到天黑,潜入,安放炸弹
At exactly 21:00 hours, we light those fuses and get the hell out. 21点整,我们点燃导火线,离开这鬼地方
Pope, those bombs of yours had better be good to go.  珀普,你的炸弹最好管用
You get 'em there, they'll blow.  放在那里,它们就会爆炸
Everybody's gonna be on foot after that.  这之后大家只能步行了
Each squad's gonna have to make its way back to the school any way you can. 各小队尽可能返回学校
That's it. Let's move! 那就这样,行动吧