陨落星辰第一季 第152期:救下波普(在线收听

 Damn, professor. Try making a human noise next time. Damn near blew your head off. 见鬼了,大教授。下次拜托出点人声。差点儿就开枪了

Anthony -- is he --  安东尼,是不是...
He's breathing, but he's -- he's bleeding really bad.  还有些气息,但伤得很重
I'm not a big fan of super-cop here, but figuring Christmas is right around the corner 我虽然算不上仗义,但想到圣诞节就快到了...
It's actually a couple months off. Come on. 其实还有好几个月呢,来。
All right, careful. Help me get him in the back here. Okay. 好,小心。帮我把他弄到后面去。好了
What about Weaver?  韦弗怎样了
Last time I saw him, he was heading towards party central there. 最后一次看见他,正向心脏地带进攻
Figured on account I didn't hear anything that sounded like a boom, I'm guessing he didn't make it. 没有听见爆炸声,我估计他没成功
The only thing I can't figure out is why the spidery -- easy, easy, easy. I got him. 有一点我想不明白的是,为什么那蜘蛛怪 ...轻点儿,轻点儿。扶好了
The spidery bastards didn't finish us off.  那蜘蛛怪没有把我们赶尽杀绝
This the old man's radio rig? Yeah. 那老头的无线电弄的是吧。对
It seems to have kept them off of us for a while.  应该可以拖住它们一段时间
You both need a doctor.  你们都需要医生
You're going down there, aren't you?  你打算进去,对吗
Yeah. You take the car. Get Anthony back to the school. 是的,你们用这辆车吧。带安东尼回学校
Professor. In the trunk of the GTO-- a little something might come in handy. 教授。在GTO车厢里,有个东西你也许能用上
Pretty, ain't it?  不错啊,对吧
Standard army issue, only with a Mech metal shell. It'll do in a pinch. 陆军标配,只是加上了械甲怪金属外壳,应该能有点用处
Oh, it just might.  也只是可能
Hey, Tom. Good luck to you. 等等,汤姆。祝你好运