第609期:《流浪地球》大火, 看看外网给这部影片的评语(在线收听


New Words:
wander: vt.漫步,漫游;
scientific: adj.科学的;
fiction n. 虚构的文学作品;
sacrifice n.牺牲; 献祭,牺牲行为;
review: n. 评论;


A real Chinese Scientific fiction that showed the humanity and values of Chinese. There's no super hero, but a lot of sacrifices. It is a great start!


If you like 2012 and the day after tomorrow, you will not want to miss this one.



What do you think of The Wandering Earth?

And I'm gonna start off by saying I've seen a lot of Chinese movies, and they're usually just very average, you know, very poor, the acting is poor. But, The Wandering Earth, is fantastic, it's wonderful.
The Wandering Earth is the best movie I have ever seen or at least in a very long time, right, of course there are some classics. But The Wandering Earth was an awesome movie.



