美国小学英语教材4:第164课 年轻武士 西格德(10)(在线收听

 Out over the plains he rode, and then up a mountain path. 西格德骑马穿过平原,然后走上一条山路。

On and on he went, until the sun sank from sight, and darkness came on. 他走啊走啊,太阳消失,夜幕降临。
Then he lay down to rest, and his beautiful horse stood near him. 然后他躺下休息,骏马站在他旁边。
With the first light of dawn, the young man rose and went on his way. 天一刚亮,西格德就起身继续上路
Suddenly he came out from the mountains into a great, high plain. 突然,他从山里走出来,到了一片高大的平原。
Then he knew that he would soon meet the monster he had come to fight. 西格德知道他很快就会遇到他要对付的怪物。
Joyously he leaped down from his horse and went forward on foot, looking about for some sign of the dragon. 他高兴地跳下马背,步行前进,四处寻找龙的踪迹。
Soon he found a track, which he followed until he came to the edge of a cliff. 不久,他发现了一条小路,他沿着小路一直走到悬崖边上。
Far below he saw a beautiful lake. 他看到悬崖下面很深的地方有着美丽的湖水。
Then Sigurd knew that this must be the path used by the dragon when he went to drink. 西格德知道这一定是龙喝水时走的那条路。
As he was thinking how large the dragon must be to leave such a trail, he heard a roar, and the earth seemed to shake under him. 正当他琢磨这条龙有多大才能留下这样的痕迹时,他听到一声吼叫,大地似乎在他脚下震动。
The dragon was coming! 龙来了!
The mouth of the monster was open wide, and flames and smoke shot out, so that the sky was darkened. 它的嘴张得大大的,喷出火焰和烟雾,把天空都变黑了。
But Sigurd stood still, holding his father's sword until the dragon was close upon him. 但是西格德站着不动,他拿着父亲的剑,等待恶龙靠近他。
Then he struck as he had struck upon the anvil, and the dragon fell dead. 他锤打龙的砧骨,那龙便仆倒而死。