美国小学英语教材4:第166课 年轻武士 西格德(12)(在线收听

 "What can that be?" said Sigurd to himself. "Is it a fire on some distant mountain peak?" 西格德自言自语道:“那是什么?是远处的山顶着火了吗?”

Then he remembered the words which the bird had said: "If Sigurd wishes to save the princess, he must go through the wall of fire." 这时他想起鸟儿说过的话:“如果西格德想救公主,就必须穿过火墙。”
"Now surely I am on the right path," thought the young hero. “我现在走的路一定是对的,”西格德想。
"The light which I see must be the fire around the castle." “我看到的一定是城堡四周的火光。”
Sigurd went joyously forward until night came on; then he stopped and lay down to rest. 西格德兴高采烈地向前走去,从天亮走到天黑,然后停下躺着休息。
He was so eager to ride on and to find the princess that he could hardly wait for morning. 他是那么急切地想骑马去找公主,他几乎等不及早晨了。
As soon as the sun had risen, he sprang upon his good horse, and they hastened on their way again. 太阳一出来,他就骑上马,又急忙上路了。
Many hours they traveled. The light grew brighter and brighter until Sigurd could see that it was high on a mountain. 他们走了很久。光线越来越亮,西格德看到这光亮来自高山上。
Then he knew that he was coming very near to the castle in which lay the sleeping princess. 这时,他知道自己已经距离城堡很近了,熟睡的公主就躺在城堡里面。
Suddenly he saw the castle; and around it leaped the flames which he had seen so far away. 突然他看到了城堡,他远远看见火焰在城堡的四周跳跃着。
Up the mountain the good horse went. 马儿朝山上走去。
Just before the wall of fire was reached, Sigurd stopped and said to his horse,  在到达火墙之前,西格德停下来对马说:
"In that castle lies a princess whom we must save. “城堡里躺着一位公主,我们必须救她。”
If the fire burns us, we shall not turn back, for I must be a hero and must suffer;for others, 如果我们被火烧着了,我们决不会回头,因为我必须是英雄,必须忍受苦难,对别人而言,
and you are the bravest steed that man ever rode!" 你是英雄最勇敢的马!”