乔布斯传 第495期:连点成线(6)(在线收听

 The idea of the digital hub quickly came into focus. 数字中枢的创意很快清晰起来。

"I first understood this with the camcorder," Jobs said. 乔布斯说:“我是通过摄像机才理解到这一点的。
"Using iMovie makes your camcorder ten times more valuable." 使用iMovie软件能让你的摄像机价值增加10倍。”
Instead of having hundreds of hours of raw footage you would never really sit through, 你不用再花几百个小时坐在那里看原片,
you could edit it on your computer, make elegant dissolves, add music, 而是在你的计算机上进行编辑,制作漂亮的淡入淡出效果、添加背景音乐、
and roll credits, listing yourself as executive producer. 把你的名字加在片尾字幕中,也过一把当制片人的瘾。
It allowed people to be creative, to express themselves, to make something emotional. 它激发了人们的创意,让人们表达自己,制作出一些富有情感的作品。
"That's when it hit me that the personal computer was going to morph into something else." “在那一刻,我觉得个人计算机正在演变成另一种东西。”
Jobs had another insight: If the computer served as the hub, 乔布斯还有一个想法:如果计算机成为一个中心,
it would allow the portable devices to become simpler. 还可以使便携式设备变得更简单。
A lot of the functions that the devices tried to do, such as editing the video or pictures, they did poorly 这些数字设备中的很多功能--比如编辑视频或图片--都不太好用,
because they had small screens and could not easily accommodate menus filled with lots of functions. 因为屏幕太小了,很不适合功能太多的菜单。
Computers could handle that more easily. And one more thing... 计算机就可以简单地解决这些问题。
What Jobs also saw was that this worked best when everything the device, computer, software, applications, FireWire -- was all tightly integrated. 而且,还有一点,乔布斯还观察到,如果将设备、计算机、软件、应用程序、火线整合到一起,就能让这些功能发挥得更好。
"I became even more of a believer in providing end-to-end solutions," he recalled. 他回忆道:“我更加相信,端到端的解决方案是正确的。”