跟踪者Stalker 第67期:女孩们提供信息(在线收听

 I dated Bobby all semester, but it wasn't working. 我和波比约会了整整一学年,但合不来

So I said, "I'm sorry.  我只能跟他说,抱歉
I'm a sophomore, and you're a senior, and we're not gonna make it." 我才大二,但你已经大四了,我们之间没希望的
Why is that?  为什么
Bobby is this entitled, rich kid, total frat boy, big ego.  波比是那种富家子弟,联谊会成员,自大得很
Annie-- What? I speak the truth. 安妮,怎么了,我说的都是真的
He can't handle being rejected.  他接受不了被女孩子拒绝
So he's being a tool about it.  所以他就变得很混蛋
I broke up with him because he partied too much. Total lush. 我和他分手是因为他玩得实在太疯了,淫乱得很
He's not into his grades, and he's always goofing around, and he's not serious. 他不好好学习,总是到处鬼混,太不正经
There's something not quite right about him.  而且他这人有点不对劲
I can't explain it.  我说不清
I can. Bipolar, emotional disorder, mommy issues. Shall I go on? 我可以。极端人格,情绪不稳定,恋母情结。要继续吗?
Says last night, you claimed he harassed you by phone, followed you to class, incited arguments. 你说昨天晚上,他电话骚扰了你,跟着你去上课,引发了争吵
The dude broke into our house.  那家伙闯进了我们家
We don't know that.  这还说不好
Yes, we do.  这是事实
What happened?  发生了什么事
We just moved into a new place, and there's history there. 我们刚搬进新家,新家是有故事的
It's supposed to be haunted. People were killed in it. 据说里面闹鬼,曾经有人被杀
That's an urban legend.  那是都市传说
It's not haunted, but Bobby was trying to scare us.  没有闹鬼,但是波比确实打算吓我们
He knew the house's history. It's Halloween. Everyone knows. 他知道这栋房子的事,现在可是万圣节,谁都知道
So this is repeated behavior.  所以这不是第一次了
Well, he's a frat boy. He's a total brat.  他是联谊会的成员,非常傲慢
Part of me thinks that he's trying to punish me, but part of me thinks he's trying to get me back. 我有点觉得他是在惩罚我,又有点觉得他是想挽回我
Victim thinks her ex-boyfriend Bobby Hughes, student at Alcott University, was behind the attacks. 受害人认为她的前男友,也就是奥尔科特大学的学生波比·休斯主导了这些袭击事件
Rejected ex-boyfriend?  被拒绝的前男友吗
I mean, it appears so.  看起来似乎是这样
Let's see if we can find anything to back up her claims.  来看看有没有支持她说法的证据
Also, bring him in for questioning.  把他带来问话吧
I could do it. I could do it. 我来吧。我来吧
Why don't you both do it?  你们一起去吧