美国小学英语教材3:第162课 统治者约瑟(6)(在线收听

 "But I will not sell you any more grain," he said, "unless you bring your youngest brother to Egypt." 然后,他说道:“但我不会再卖给你们更多的粮食了,除非把你们最小的弟弟带到埃及来。”

The brothers went home with the grain and told their father what the great ruler had said. 哥哥们带着谷物回家了,将伟大的统治者说的话告诉了他们的父亲。
At first the old man would not let Benjamin go to Egypt, 起初,老人不愿意让本杰明去埃及,
but at last, when their food was nearly gone, he said sadly that the young boy might go. 但最后,粮食快吃完的时候,他伤心地说,让年幼的孩子去吧。
Joseph Forgives His Brothers 约瑟原谅了他的哥哥们
Once more the brothers set out for Egypt, and again stood before Joseph. 哥哥们又去了埃及,再次来到了约瑟的面前。
Is your father well? asked Joseph. “你们的父亲一切安好吗?”约瑟问。
He is very well,  they answered, bowing down. “他很好。”他们回答道,并向约瑟行叩拜礼。
Is this your youngest brother? asked Joseph. “这是你们最小的弟弟吗?”约瑟问。
This is Benjamin,  they answered, bowing. “这是本杰明。”他们弯下腰来回答。
Joseph could hardly keep himself from throwing his arms around the boy, but first he wanted to find out how his brothers felt toward him. 约瑟几乎不能控制自己要伸出胳臂搂住这个小男孩,但是他要先知道哥哥们对他的感情。
He sold them as much grain as they could carry. 他们能搬多少约瑟就卖给他们多少粮食。
But the next morning, when they were ready to start home, he told them that Benjamin must remain with him as his slave. 但是第二天早上,当他们准备启程回家的时候,约瑟告诉他们,本杰明必须留下来为奴。
Then one of the brothers fell on his knees and said, "Oh, great ruler, please keep me instead of Benjamin. 他的一个哥哥跪了下来,说:“啊,伟大的统治者,请留下我代替本杰明吧。