跟踪者Stalker 第68期:劳丽不愿起诉(在线收听

 I have an alibi for last night.  昨晚我有不在场证明

I was in the library.  我在图书馆
Yes. You do. It checks out. 没错。有记录
So there's no way I was in a costume shop dressed as a clown. 所以我肯定不可能去戏服店打扮成小丑的样子
If it wasn't you, who was it?  如果不是你,会是谁
I have no idea. Look.  我不知道,听我说
I don't know what Laurie has told you, but I haven't done anything wrong. 我不知道劳丽跟你说了什么,但我没有做错任何事
Oh, you're keeping to that story. You keep saying that. 继续逞强吧,别嘴硬了
You want to do this?  你要来吗
No. Please. I didn't mean to interrupt. Sorry. 不用了,请。我不是故意打断的,抱歉
Because your friend Max posted this on your Facebook page. 因为你的朋友麦克斯在你的脸书主页发了这个
Hey, I'm in here.  这里有人了
I can't help but notice the cocky arrogance has left your face. 我注意到你脸上的骄傲自大消失了
You wouldn't be getting a little scared right now, would you?  你该不是,害怕了吧
I didn't scare Laurie.  我没有吓劳丽
No. Your frat brother Max Lupton did.  没错,是你联谊会的朋友麦克斯·勒普顿干的
He said he texted you and the clown suit was your idea. 他说给你发过短信,扮小丑的主意是你想的
"Clowns are creepy." Is that what you texted?  "小丑很恐怖"这是你短信原话吧
He's right outside. You want to ask him?  他就在外面,要他进来聊聊吗
Because he's out of cocky arrogance, too. Explain now. 因为他也没办法骄傲自大了,老实交代吧
Ok. Max saw Laurie in the store and was doing me a solid. 好吧,麦克斯看到劳丽在店里,就想帮我个忙
Terrorizing your ex-girlfriend qualifies as a solid?  吓坏你的前女友算是帮你忙吗
It was a prank.  恶作剧嘛
He threw on a clown suit and went, "boo." Nobody got hurt. 他只是穿了小丑服,吓了她一下,又没有人受伤
Why are you harassing Laurie?  你为什么要骚扰劳丽
I'm not. She broke up with me, man.  我没有,她甩了我,好吗
I was pissed off, man. I did what every guy does when he gets dumped. 我很生气,仅此而已。男人被甩总会这样的,我也一样
Follow her to class, leave 20 messages on her phone, break into her house? 跟着她去上课,给她手机发20条留言,闯进她家
That's what every guy does?  这属于一般行为吗
I never broke into her house. I went to see her. That's all. 我没有闯进过她家,我只是去看过她,仅此而已
I left her a few messages, man. I was upset.  只是给她留过几条言,当时很生气
I am upset, but I would never hurt Laurie. I want her back. 现在也生气,可我永远不会伤害劳丽的,我希望她回来
We can charge his friend with that attack-- It's assault-- 我们可以用袭击罪名起诉他的朋友,这属于人身侵害
And Bobby will be charged as an accomplice.  波比将会作为共犯接受制裁
I don't want to press charges.  我不想起诉
What these men did was a crime.  他们的行为属于犯罪
Yeah, Laurie. Nail their asses.  没错,劳丽,好好教训他们
I have classes with their friends.  我跟他们的朋友一起上课
I know Max's girlfriend. He's a jerk, but he shouldn't go to jail. 也认识麦克斯的女朋友。他确实很混蛋,但也不至于进监狱
First offense, no time but probation, and they'll pick up freeway trash for a year. 初犯只会被判缓刑,不会坐牢,他们顶多会在高速公路捡个一年的垃圾
Do it. They'll have to wear the little, orange vests. 起诉吧,他们得穿上那些橙色的马甲
We can instagram the whole thing.  我们可以在网上图文直播
No. Let it go. I don't want to be that girl. 不,算了,我不想成为这样的人
Everyone'll know.  所有人都会知道这事
The whole thing will get a frat spin on it, and it'll all be my fault. 整个大学的联谊会都会疯传,而这一切都会是我的错
But it's not your fault. What they did was wrong.  这不是你的错,他们的行为是错误的
Laurie, this type of behavior escalates.  劳丽,这种行为很容易持续激化
You need to let them know it's not ok.  你要让他们知道这样的行为不可容忍
I'm a sophomore. This'll define the rest of my college years.  我是个大二学生,这会给我剩下的大学生活烙下印记
I don't want that.  我不希望那样
I came to L.A. to go to school, not to deal with this. 我来洛杉矶是为了上学,而不是处理这种事
Call if anything changes.  情况有变再打给我
I will. Bye. Look. I know how you feel. 我会的,再见。我明白你的感受
I see this all the time, but taking action against Bobby, it's not about punishing him. 这种情况我见多了,但起诉波比不是为了惩罚他
It's about taking care of yourself.  是为了更好地照顾你自己
I'm trying to. I'm sorry if you see this as weak. 我就是在照顾自己。如果你觉得这是软弱,我也没办法
I just don't want to deal with it.  我只是不想应付这件事
Thank you, but this is over.  谢谢你,但这事到此为止