跟踪者Stalker 第69期:鬼屋墙上的字(在线收听

 The girls are coming over tomorrow to help decorate unless you want to cancel. 姐妹们明天会来帮忙装饰布置,还是你想取消派对

No. We're gonna throw this party, and it's gonna be awesome. 不,这派对我们开定了,而且要开得很赞
I don't want anybody knowing there's a problem.  我不想让任何人知道出过事
Come on. We live in a haunted house.  我们可是住在闹鬼的房子里
We have to throw a party.  必须得开派对
It's, like, mandatory.  这可是传统
Annie? Not funny, Annie. 安妮?不好笑,安妮
Very nice, but so not funny.  这招够绝,但我觉得不好笑
Where are you?  你在哪里
Laurie, are you down there?  劳丽,是你在楼下吗
What's going on?  发生什么事了
Someone was here. Call the police.  有人进来过,打电话报警
Laurie?  劳丽
At first, I thoughtit was Annie downstairs...  一开始我还以为是安妮在楼下
I had already gone to sleep.  那时候我已经睡着了
But then I heard somebody go out the front door,  然后我听见有人从正门出去了
and that's when I saw the words written on the wall.  然后我才看见墙上写的字
You didn't see a face?  你看见入侵者的脸了吗
It had to be Bobby or his frat brothers.  肯定是波比或是他联谊会的哥们
They're torturing us.  他们在折磨我们
Bobby and his friends havean alibi for last night.  波比和他朋友昨晚都有不在场证明
It was confirmed by campus security.  我们跟校警核实过了
So can you think of anyone else who might do this?  你能想出还有谁会这么做吗
What's the history here?  这房子有什么历史
This house is haunted, right? What's the story?  你们说这房子闹鬼,背景故事是什么
I don't know if it's real or not,  我也不知道是不是真的
but I heard this man killed his wife in this house and thenhe killed himself, 但我听说有个男人在这房里杀了他老婆然后自杀了
and now their ghosts are haunting this place.  他们的鬼魂依旧游荡在这里,阴魂不散