跟踪者Stalker 第78期:抓捕罪犯(在线收听

 It's a room. We have to get in there.  这是一个房间,我们得进去

That's Louis Atwood.  那是路易斯·阿特伍德
She's alive. Let's get her out of here.  她还活着,我们快带她离开
I'll get a medic.  我去叫医生
Guys, over here.  各位,在这里
All right. Let's go.  好吧,我们走
Move back, please.  请后退
No. No. Watch your back. 不不,小心背后
He was living in the house?  他住在房子里
Yes. He's been living there for years.  是的,住在里面好多年了
Guess it really was haunted.  看来这屋子真是闹鬼了
Laurie, thank god you're ok.  劳丽,谢天谢地你没事
I'm so sorry for everything I did.  我为我所做的事情道歉
I've been an idiot. Please...  我一直都太蠢了,请你
I know, Bobby.  我知道,波比
Bobby, she needs to go to the hospital.  波比,她得去医院
And get checked out.  做下检查
Yeah. Ok.  好,好的
You want me to come with?  你想让我陪着吗
I'll follow in my car, yeah?  我开车跟着好吗
No, Bobby. You can't.  不,波比,不好
Why... Why are you doing this, Laurie? 为什么。你为什么要这样,劳丽
You know I love you.  你知道我爱你
You don't love somebody by scaring them,  爱一个人不应该去吓她
breaking into their house, ruining their lives. 闯入她的家,毁掉她的生活
Please. I'm sorry.  求你,我很抱歉
If you'rereally sorry, you'll leave me alone for good, 如果你真觉得抱歉,就永远不要来烦我
and if you don't, I will use every resource in my power to have you locked up. 否则,我会用尽一切我能利用的办法把你关起来
Do you understand?  你明白吗
No happy ending.  不是什么美好结局
He crossed a line, Jack.  他逾矩了,杰克
Can't he cross back?  他就不能退回去吗
You don't believe in second chances?  你不相信第二次机会吗
I think they need to be earned.  我觉得机会需要付出努力
Happy Halloween, Jack.  万圣节快乐,杰克