跟踪者Stalker 第91期:真相大白(在线收听

 How do you know Andrea, Brown?  你怎么认识安德莉亚的,布朗

She's a friend.  她是我朋友
What kind of friend?  什么样的朋友
I'm an artist. She supports the arts.  我是艺术家,她支持我的艺术
She must really support the arts for you to afford a watch like that. 她一定是非常支持你的艺术,才给你买了这样的手表
You sleeping with her?  你和她睡了吗
Is that any of your business?  和你有什么关系
Well, she's a wealthy older woman.  她是有钱的年长女人
She funds your work. She put on your first show.  为你的工作提供资金,她帮你实现了第一场展出
Maybe when the money and the favors dried up, you decided to make her pay. 也许当资金和帮忙变少,你决定要让她好看
I don't know what you're talking about.  我不知道你在说什么
Really? Because I havea video of you assaulting her in a parking garage. 真的吗,因为我有一段录像,你在停车场袭击她
No, you don't.  你才没有
Yeah. You wore that watch when you did it.  我有,你这么做时戴着同一块手表
She must have given it to you before things went south between the two of you. 她一定是在你们两人之间的关系变差之前,就把它送给你了
You know it's not a real Daytona, right?  你知道这不是真正的劳力士吧
Damon, you think she gave you a $35,000 watch for a little tail? 达蒙,你觉得她为了那么点小事就给你一块35000美金的手表
You look pretty stupid, but no one's that dumb.  你看起来挺蠢的,但没人会那么笨
You did it. You attacked Andrea. 是你干的,你袭击了安德莉亚
Now tell me why.  告诉我为什么
It doesn't add up. Kenneth had an alibi for the attack in the garage. 这说不通。停车场的袭击,肯尼斯有不在场证明
Right. Even Andrea admitted he loved the dog. 是的。连安德莉亚都承认他喜欢那条狗
Wait, wait, wait. Fast forward.  等等,快进
Look at this. He left his shirt at Andrea's house. 你们看,他把衣服留在安德莉亚家
Are you ready for this?  你们准备好听真相了吗
Andrea paid Damon to attack her.  安德莉亚付钱让达蒙袭击她
She gave him a replica of Kenneth's watch so that when he did it would lead us straight to Kenneth. 她给了他一块肯尼斯手表的仿制品,这样当他这么做,就会让我们误认为是肯尼斯
She had Kenneth's shirt the entire time.  肯尼斯的衣服一直都在她手上
She put it in his trunk to frame him.  她把它放在他的后备箱陷害他
Andrea was stalking Kenneth. False victimization. 安德莉亚在跟踪肯尼斯。伪造受害
She staged the attacks to incriminate Kenneth and Melissa.  她设计了袭击,拖累肯尼斯和梅丽莎
False victimization stalkers often suffer from a borderline personality disorder. 伪造受害的跟踪者通常患有边缘型人格障碍
They fluctuate between emotional stability and intense anger.  他们会在稳定情绪和强烈愤怒之间波动
This woman is totally psychotic.  这女人完全就是神经病
She constructs all these elaborate scenarios to perpetuate violence against herself. 她精心设计了这些针对她自己的暴力袭击
She even killed her own dog.  甚至杀死了自己狗