跟踪者Stalker 第133期:心理医生报案(2)(在线收听

 It started as a simple crush, one-sided flirtatious banter. 开始只是单纯的迷恋,她单方面的挑逗

She began to dress for our sessions. I dealt with it directly. 她开始每次来之前都特地打扮。我当下就处理了那个问题
We created boundaries, which she couldn't keep.  我们设置了一些界限,但她却无法遵守
She began leaving excessive messages, cards, gifts. 她开始给我留一些过分的留言,送贺卡还有礼物
There's a disturbing video message in there, also.  还有一个很不雅的视频
She began dropping by the office at unscheduled times.  后来她开始在无预约的情况下到我办公室来
Then two weeks ago, my wife and I... Vanessa... we took a vacation to Phoenix, 两周前,我和我太太瓦妮莎去凤凰城度假
and she showed up at our hotel.  而她却出现在我们的酒店
Did she make contact?  她跟你接触了吗
I was supposed to meet my wife at the pool.  我本跟太太约好在泳池见
When I arrived, she had befriended my wife.  等我到的时候她已经跟我太太成了朋友
They were chatting. She acted innocent and surprised to see me, 她们在聊天,她装出一副不知道那是我太太,并且见到我很惊讶的样子
but it was obvious she'd followed me there.  但她显然是跟踪我到那的
How did your wife take it?  你太太对此作何反应
Not well. I had to tell her the truth of course, and she wasn't happy. 不怎么开心,我当然必须告诉她实情,她很不开心
She thought there might be more to it. We've been having some issues. 她认为事情远不止那样,我们最近出了点问题
Non related to your patient?  跟你的病人无关吗
Yes. It's a marriage. We have peaks and valleys, and we're in a bit of a valley right now. 对,这是一场婚姻。总有起起落落,我们现在正处在低谷时期
Why would you keep seeing her after she followed you to Phoenix?  她跟踪你到凤凰城后你为何愿意继续治疗她
Transference is not uncommon in psychotherapy.  移情在精神疗法的过程中并不少见
I thought we could work through it.  我以为我能够治好她
I did warn her that if there was another violation I would be forced to hand her off to another therapist. 我的确警告过她,如果她再跟踪我,我只能把她转给其他心理医生了
So after what happened last night, you terminated her as a patient. 所以经过昨晚的事情后,你终止了对她的治疗吗
No. I decided to come here. Her behavior is escalating, it's accelerating. 没,我决定来报案。她的出格举动逐渐升级,甚至加速
And you're worried that the rejection of being dumped as a patient could potentially turn her violent. 你在担心她拒绝接受被医生抛弃这件事可能会使她变得暴力
We're gonna need a name, Dr. Lewis.  你得把她的名字告诉我们,路易斯医生
You're justified in breaking privilege.  你可以不遵守对病人的保密义务
What's her name?  她叫什么名字
It's Claudia Burke.  她叫克劳迪娅·布尔科
What does Claudia suffer from?  克劳迪娅患有什么病
Claudia is a paranoid schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations.  她有妄想型精神分裂症,还有幻听