跟踪者Stalker 第180期:偶遇伊森(在线收听

 Morning, Wesley. 早上好,韦斯利

Ethan. What are you doing here? 伊森。你怎么在这儿
I'm heading to school just around the corner. 我正好要去学校,就在这附近
Does your mom know where you are? 你妈妈知道你在这儿吗
I've seen you run here a few times. Do you live close by? 我见过几次你在这儿跑步。你住这儿附近吗
It's a coupleof blocks over. 就隔几个街道
So we're neighbors. 所以我们是邻居喽
Not exactly neighbors. How did you get here? Where's your mom? 不算是吧。你怎么过来的,你妈妈呢
How long have you lived here? Not long. 你住这儿多久了?不久
Where are you from? 从哪里搬来的
You know, I thinkit's time we get you to school. 我觉得你该上学去了
Your mom wouldn't want you talking to strangers. 你妈妈不希望你和陌生人聊天
You're not a stranger. 你不是陌生人
Just the same, um... Let's get you to school. 也差不多...我送你去学校吧
I know where it is. I'm good. 我知道怎么走,没事的