美国语文第六册 第130期:哲学家(1)(在线收听

 From the house at Swallow Barn there is to be seen, at no great distance, a clump of trees, 从坐落在雨燕谷仓的那幢房子看,相距不远处,有一个树丛,

and in the midst of these a humble building is discernible, that seems to court the shade in which it is modestly embowered. 在这些茂密的大树中间那座简陋的建筑清晰可辨,似乎在向小心地隐藏在树林中的树荫大献殷勤。
It is an old structure built of logs. 这是一幢用木头建成的老式建筑,
Its figure is a cube, with a roof rising from all sides to a point, 看上去就像个立方体,屋顶突起成尖顶状,
and surmounted by a wooden weathercock, which somewhat resembles a fish and somewhat a fowl. 周围是木制的风标,乍看有点像一条鱼,又有点像一只鸟。
This little edifice is a rustic shrine devoted to Cadmus, and is under the dominion of parson Chub. 这幢不小的建筑其实是向希腊神话中的卡德摩斯献祭的做工粗糙的神龛,归教区长查伯管辖。
He is a plump, rosy old gentleman, rather short and thickset, with the blood vessels meandering over his face like rivulets, 这位教区长是一位大块头,肤色红润的老绅士,身材矮小四肢粗短,脸上的毛细血管像小溪一样蜿蜒交错,
a pair of prominent blue eyes, and a head of silky hair not unlike the covering of a white spaniel. 一双突出的蓝眼睛,一头光滑的头发,恰似一条头发斑白的老獚狗。
He may be said to be a man of jolly dimensions, with an evident taste for good living, sometimes sloven in his attire, 可以说他是一个非常快活的人,对有品位的生活有明显的兴趣,尽管有时穿着邋遢,
for his coat — which is not of the newest — is decorated with sundry spots that are scattered over it in constellations. 那件不算太新的大衣上面密布着各种各样的斑点。
Besides this, he wears an immense cravat, which, as it is wreathed around his short neck, forms a bowl beneath his chin, 除此之外,他还围了一条很大的围巾,缠在那短脖子上,在他颌下堆成一个碗状,
and — as Ned says — gives the parson's head the appearance of that of John the Baptist upon a charger, 就像奈德说的那样——使得这位教区执事的头呈现圣徒约翰所诟病的那个模样,
as it is sometimes represented in the children's picture books. 有时能在儿童图画书中一睹其神采。