疑犯追踪第1季 第2期:死亡天使卡特(在线收听

 You know, you could have done me a favor and let those guys land a couple more punches. 你要是多揍那些小子几拳,也算是帮我忙了。

Question for you. 问你个问题。
Looking at that tape, I'd say you spent some time in the service. 从录像来看,我觉得你是当过兵的人。
But you don't learn how to fight like that in the regular army. 但在常规部队可练不出这身手。
So what were you, special forces? Delta? 那你是特种部队的吗?三角洲部队?
I'm Carter. You didn't give us a name. 我是卡特,你没说你的名字。
You know, it's funny. 真有意思。
Seems like the only time you need a name now is when you're in trouble. 只有在你有麻烦的时候,别人才会问起你的名字。
So am I in trouble? 这么说我是有麻烦了吗?
I don't know, you tell me. 我不知道,你说呢。
You're the one living on the street. 露宿街头的可是你。
Yeah, making that transition back can be tough. 这种转变是很不容易。
Some guys I knew got a little lost, needed a little help adjusting. 我认识一些人,他们感到迷茫,需要人来帮他们适应社会。
You need some help? 你需要帮助吗?
Of course, some other guys I knew, they'd done so many evil things, they felt like they needed the punishment. 当然了,我还认识一些人,他们恶事做了太多,觉得自己应该受到惩罚。
That sound more like your story? 你是这种情况吗?
Excuse me for a second. 我失陪一下。
I'm here for my client. 我是为我的委托人而来。
Your guy's prints were found in half a dozen crime scenes over the years. 这家伙的指纹出现在近几年的多个犯罪现场。
Open warrants in four different countries. 在四个国家被通缉。
Who you got down there, Carter, the angel of death? 你这是关了什么人物啊,卡特,死亡天使吗?
I appreciate the help, counselor. 多谢帮忙,律师先生。
But who's picking up...the tab? 但由谁来买单呢?
Our employer wants to have a word with you. 我们的老板想跟你谈谈。