疑犯追踪第1季 第3期:里瑟先生的底细(在线收听

 Do I owe you money? 我欠你钱吗?

Cause I'm, uh...running a little short at the moment. 因为我现在手头有点紧。
You don't owe me anything, Mr. Reese. 你什么都不欠我,里瑟先生。
That's the name you prefer, isn't it? 你比较喜欢这个名字,是吧?
I know you've had several. 我知道你有好几个化名。
Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anybody about you. 别担心,我不会把你的事说出去。
You don't know anything about me. 你根本不知道我的事。
I know exactly everything about you, Mr. Reese. 你的事我全都知道,里瑟先生。
I know about the work you used to do for the government. 我知道你从前为政府做的工作。
I know about the doubts you came to have about that work. 我知道你对此产生了疑虑。
I know that the government, along with everybody else, thinks you're dead. 我知道政府,还有其他人都以为你死了。
I know you've spent the last couple of months trying to drink yourself to death. 我知道你过去的两个月里想把自己浸死在酒精里。
I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it. 我知道你还在琢磨更有效的寻死方式。
So you see, knowledge is not my problem. 所以说搜集信息对我不成问题。
Doing something with that knowledge...that's where you'd come in. 利用这些信息做点什么是带你来此的原因。
And you can call me Mr. Finch. 你可以叫我芬奇先生。
I think you and I can help one another. 我认为我们能互帮互助。
I don't think you need a psychiatrist or a support group, pills... 我觉得你不需要心理医生互助小组,或是药物。
What do I need? 那我需要什么?
You need a purpose. 你需要一个目标。
More specifically, you need a job. 具体点说,你需要一份工作。
Eight million people. 这八百万人。
You know what they all have in common? 你知道他们有什么共同点吗?
None of them knows what happens next. 他们都不知道接下来会发生什么。
Someone is murdered in New York city every 18 hours. 每18个小时,纽约就会有一个人遇害。
At the end of the day, one of these people will be gone. 今天结束时,他们中有一个人会死。
Bad things happen to people every day. 不幸天天都会发生。
You can't stop that. 这是没办法的事。
What if you could? 如果有办法呢?
Not the things that happen in the heat of the moment. 不是指那种飞来横祸。
But so many crimes are planned days, weeks in advance. 有很多罪行要几天,甚至几周来策划。