疑犯追踪第1季 第16期:危险进行时(在线收听

 Wheeler's up there. 威勒在楼上。

He heads to the gym most nights. 他晚上大多都要去体育馆。
I got Doyle upstairs staking him out. 我让多伊尔在楼上盯着他。
The place is a dump. 这地方简直是个垃圾场。
There's no doorman, no cameras, nobody. 没门卫,没探头,毛都没有。
We'll take him in the lobby. 我们在大厅里搞定他。
Soon as it's done, we take the shooter out. 完事后,我们把凶手带出去。
Give him a block and then take him out. 让他跑出一段,然后再开枪。
Head shots this time, you understand? 这次直接爆头,明白了吗?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. 知道,知道,知道。
Get our friend out of the trunk. 把那伙计从后备箱揪出来。
Who is this guy? 这家伙是谁?
Some ex-con Wheeler put away. 之前被威勒关进去的小混混。
Azarello, lights. 阿扎雷洛,关灯。
Doyle, talk to me. 多伊尔,回话。
He's coming out now. 他要出来了。
Come on, Henry, let's go. 来吧,亨利,走吧。
Wait. Show me that basketball of yours. 慢着。带上你的球,
Let's go, come on. 我们走吧,来。
Damn, he's got his kid with him. 见鬼,他还带着个小孩。
What a waste. 真可惜。
Henry, watch out. 亨利,小心。
You're about to kill a man...and his son. 你要杀掉一个男人,还有他的儿子。
Please. Please don't do this. 求你。求你别这么做。
Drop your weapon. 把枪扔掉。