疑犯追踪第1季 第45期:我们都是杯具(在线收听

 How was school? 学校怎么样啊?

Thanks. 谢谢。
Hi, sweetie. 小宝贝。
Hey, Finch. I'm sending you a photo. 芬奇啊,我给你发个照片。
Looks like Joey's other woman's got a little girl. 看来乔伊的小三有个小女孩。
You think she's Joey's? 觉得那是乔伊的女儿吗?
Sure looks like that. 看起来就是这么回事。
You should be able to find the girl's name, if Sunny Days Kindergarten's firewalls aren't too tough for you. 你应该能找到那孩子叫什么,阳光幼儿园的防火墙对你来说应该不成问题。
And why don't you arrange a little face-time with Joey, Mr. Reese? 那你干嘛不去找乔伊面对面谈谈,里瑟先生?
I thought you said no contact. 你不是说不准私下接触吗。
What are you doing? 你干嘛?
Following me? 跟踪我吗?
I live here, pal. 我就住这,哥们。
What's your excuse? 你又是什么借口?
I'm staying in a fleapit on Colby. 我住在科拜街上的一家邋遢影院。
This one's on me...But I'm, uh, running a little low on funds. 这次我请不过...我,手头真是有点紧。
How long before we get some action? 还要多久才能有行动?
That's up to Latimer. 那就要看拉蒂莫了。
We just follow orders. 我们只奉命行事。
Orders. 命令。
Have you ever get sick of them? 你还真是听不厌啊?
Maybe. But they make life simple. 也许。但是这让生活简单很多。
Told to go down that road, you go down that road. 让你去走大街,你就去走大街。
Yeah, you're told to go into that bank. 不过要是叫你过去抢银行。
You go into that bank, right? 你就去抢银行,是不是?
I don't know, man. 我不知道,哥们。
Six years, all I thought about, dreamed about, was coming home. 六年了,我能想到的,梦到的,都是回家。
Finally I come home and there's nothing. 终于我回到了家却发现一切都没了。
There's no money, no jobs, bankers gone and lost it all. 没钱,没工作,银行家们要么消失了,要么赔得精光。
Robbed the country blind. 闹得整个国家鸡犬不宁。
I mean, it's like, what the hell are we fighting for, you know? 我的意思是,就好像,我们出去拼死打仗为的是什么,对不对?
Joke's on us. 我们都是杯具。
Hey! You guys were soldiers, right? 喂!你们是当兵的吧?
What like iraq, afghanistan? 去伊拉克的,阿富汗的?
Some serious stuff. 还真是厉害啊。
Yeah, but you volunteered. 不过你们都是志愿的不是。
Nobody asked you to go. 没人求你们去啊。
It's not like the country owes you a living. 说的好像国家欠你们几百万似的。
We got it, pal. 我们懂。
No. 才怪。
You don't "Got it" 你们就是不懂
Talking about bankers, like you know anything. 大言不惭说银行家如何,好像你们很懂一样。
It's not been easy for us either. 我们最近也很不好过。
Really sorry about that, but we're talking here. 这个我们抱歉,但我们谈话不要插嘴好吗。
Hey, so are we. 我们现在不是也再谈啊。
Guys like you got to adapt. 你们这种人就要学着适应。
It's the knowledge economy now. 现在都知识型社会了。
Time to use this, my friend. 是时候用脑子了,朋友。
Okay. 行。
Hey! 喂!
All right, come on. Let's go. Sorry, Bill. 好了,够了。我们走。对不起,比尔。