疑犯追踪第1季 第52期:一直在玩危险游戏(在线收听

 The lockup's secured. 保管处安全了。

As soon as the police I.D.Straub or Teddy, they'll be on to you. 警察一旦查出斯特劳博和泰迪的身份,他们就会追查到你。
You got to get out of the city. 你得快离开纽约。
Go south or west. 往南或往西都可以。
Here's a couple of grand to keep you going. 这里有几千块钱你先收着。
With your skills, you'll find work. 就你的本事,你肯定能找到工作。
But go now. 但你得快走。
And don't look back. 不要回来。
I can't. I can't, man. 不行。不行,伙计。
I have someone here. 我在这里还有牵挂。
You stay here, and you'll be looking at her from behind bars for 20 years. 你要是留下,就只能在牢房里想她想二十年了。
Call her and ask her to go with you. 叫她和你一起走。
She loves you, Joey. 她爱你,乔伊。
Just tell her it's gonna be you and her now. 告诉她现在只有你和她两个人了。
Just you and her. 就你们两个人。
Can you hear me? 你能听到吗?
I think you can. 我觉得你听得到。
Guess you're out there, hiding in plain sight. 我猜你就隐藏在芸芸众生之中。
I keep looking for you. 我一直在找你。
I keep finding myself in some bad situations. 而我每次都会陷入糟糕的处境。
You could always stop looking for me. 你也可以随时收手。
Not an option. 绝不可能。
Now I've got two more bodies. 现在又死了两个人。
I don't think you killed those guys. 我知道人不是你杀的。
But I think you know who did. 但我觉得你知道是谁干的。
I'll take care of it. 我会处理好。
Playing a dangerous game. 一直在玩危险游戏啊。
And I'm not sure I understand why. 我不知道我能不能理解原因。
I've got my reasons. 我有我自己的原因。
Maybe you do. 也许你有。
But every killer I locked up thought they had a good reason. 但我抓到的每个杀手都以为自己有足够的理由。
And that is how this ends. 而他们的结局也是这样。
Sooner or later, I'll lock you up, or find you bleeding out somewhere. 我迟早会抓到你,或是在某处发现你的尸体。
I will take my chances. 那就试试看吧。
I think I've told you everything that I can remember. 我能记得的就是这些了。