疑犯追踪第1季 第68期:招惹了斗牛帮的人(在线收听

 Where's our cocaine? 我们的毒品呢?

I know you. 我知道你。
Then you know if you cross the Torero Cartel, you lose your head. 那你肯定也知道要是招惹了斗牛帮,你就得准备掉脑袋。
I'm sorry. 真抱歉。
It's too late to apologize, amigo. 现在道歉太晚了,伙计。
No, I'm sorry... But you're gonna lose your head... 不,我抱歉……是因为要掉脑袋的人是你……
Shut up. 闭嘴。
How does he know about Miguel? 那他怎么知道米盖尔的事?
Shut up. He's lying. 闭嘴,他在说谎。
Look, it was nothing personal, all right? 听着,这不是针对你,好吗?
I had no choice. They were gonna kill me. 我也没办法。他们要杀了我。
I told you, you're not the only dirty cop in town. 我说了,你不是纽约唯一的腐败条子。
I called in a favor. 我帮了你的忙。
It's time for a change of scenery. 现在该换换了。
You're gonna be doing something else for me. 你得替我做点其他事。
And, Lionel...Don't do this again. 还有,莱奈尔……下不为例。