疑犯追踪第1季 第74期:多疑(在线收听

 No question is ever innocent from you. 你什么时候单纯过。

You're trying to determine whether I come here often. 你是想判断我是不是这里的常客。
Armed with that knowledge, you'll try to figure out where I live. 然后再根据这点查出我的住处。
You're paranoid, Finch. 芬奇,你太多疑了。
With good reason. 我多疑不是没道理。
Maybe I just don't know what's good here, so I'm asking the regular. 也许我就是不清楚这家店什么好吃,所以才随便问问。
Enjoy your meal, Mr. Reese. 好好吃饭吧,里瑟先生。
Samuel Gates. 萨缪尔·盖茨。
The next number on your list. 你名单上的下一个号码。
Bus is here! 校车来了!
So what do we have on him? 我们知道他什么情况?
Born in south Boston.Law degree from NYU. 生于南波士顿。纽约大学法学学位。
He lives on the upper west side with his son, Sam. 和他儿子萨姆住在上西区。
Where's the wife? 他老婆呢?
She died last year. 去年去世了。
Any chance Gates was involved? 和盖茨有关吗?
Not unless he found a way to give her cancer. 除非他能让老婆患上癌症。
Elizabeth Gates was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor last April. 伊丽莎白·盖茨去年四月被确诊为脑瘤 无法手术。
By November she was gone. 十一月就离世了。
So the son is all he has left. 那他就剩这个宝贝儿子了。
Wait! 等等!
Oh, don't forget your lunch. 差点忘了午餐。
What do we know about the nanny? 保姆那边什么情况?
Christina Rojas. 克里斯蒂娜·罗哈斯。
Gates hired her when his wife fell ill. 盖茨在老婆患病时就雇了她。
The kid sure likes her. 小家伙很喜欢她。
She spends a lot of time with him. 她没少陪这孩子。
Judging by the hours she's billing, I'd say Gates was putting in long days at the office. 根据她的收费钟点看,盖茨多数时间都在办公室。
He lost the woman he loved. 爱妻离世。
Probably threw himself into his work to cope. 他大概想借工作摆脱痛苦。
Where's his office? 他办公室在哪儿?
Criminal court, city of New York. 纽约刑事法院。