留美老师带你每日说英文 第1147期:美白产品的销售情况(在线收听

 But many people are still unaware of their preferences for light skin because it's so deeply ingrained in society. And despite the criticism and safety issues of these products, the projected growth in sales means the world still has a long way to go.


1.preference 偏爱;爱好;喜爱
preference (n.) 偏爱;爱好;喜爱
inclination (n.) 倾向;爱好;意向
choice (n.) 选择;挑选;抉择

2.ingrained (观念) 根深蒂固的
ingrained (adj.) (观念) 根深蒂固的
deep-seated (adj.) 根深蒂固的;笃信的
fixed (adj.) 固定的;确定的;不变的;不动


3.project 预计;推算
project (v.) 预计;推算
estimate (v.) 估计;估算;估价
forecast (v.) 预测;预报
