疑犯追踪第1季 第102期:帮人收拾烂摊子(在线收听

 See anything interesting tonight? 今晚看到什么有趣的事吗?

Nothing worth mentioning. 都不值得一提。
Be here tomorrow. 10:00 sharp. 明天10点准时过来。
I hope you're out of there, Finch. 希望你已经出来了,芬奇。
Do you know what she does, yet? 知道她是做什么的了吗?
She does favors for a price. 她收人钱财替人消灾。
She's a fixer. 帮人收拾烂摊子。
Assuming then that she's the victim. Any ideas who'd want to take her out? 看来她是个被害者。知道谁想害她吗?
Who wouldn't? 有谁不想?
What do you got, Terney? 发现了什么,老铁?
Vincent Deluca. 文森特·德卢卡。
71 years old, public service homicide if you ask me. 71岁,如果你非要问职业,他提供杀人服务。
The guy was an enforcer for "La Cosa Nostra" in Brighton Beach. Stabbing's personal. 这家伙是个杀手,为布莱顿海滩的"北方之家"卖命。-刺杀出于私人恩怨。
Is this knife from the kitchen? 这把刀是厨房的吗?
Nothing in there, but a set of steak knives. 不是,这儿只有一套餐刀。
This is not serrated. Looks old, dull. Painful. 这把刀没有锯齿。看起来很旧,很钝。很痛苦。
We got a rap sheet on this old gangster? 有这个老流氓的前科档案吗?
Reads like a phone book. 密密麻麻看着跟电话簿似的。
Armed robbery, racketeering...he was charged with homicide in the mid '70s. 持械抢劫,敲诈勒索...他在70年代中期还以杀人罪被起诉过。
Marlene Elias? 玛琳·以利亚?
What was that? 那是什么?
Uh, 1973. The murder charge he skated on. Victim was Marlene Elias. 1973年。他受指控的那起谋杀案。死者是玛琳·以利亚。
The evidence was stolen from lockup a couple weeks back. 证据几周前被人从保管处偷走了。
Evidence was stolen from a 40-year-old cold case? 谁会要偷40多年的老悬案的证据啊?
Alone with a murder weapon. 被偷的还有凶器。
Marlene Elias was stabbed multiple times in her chest with a kitchen knife. 玛琳·以利亚的死因就是胸口的反复刺伤,凶器就是把菜刀。