疑犯追踪第1季 第106期:玩弄别人(在线收听

 Ah, just some old bootlegs. You like jazz? 只是些老歌。你喜欢爵士乐吗?

You do? 你喜欢吗?
Sure. Always loved what Miles Davis said about jazz. 当然了。一直都很喜欢迈尔斯·戴维斯对爵士乐的评论。
"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there." 不要玩陈词滥调。要玩新鲜曲调。
Really? 是吗?
You seem to know how to play people. 你似乎很懂得玩弄别人。
I don't play people. I fix their problems, and to answer your question, no, I hate jazz. 我不是玩弄别人。我是帮人解决问题,回答你之前的问题,我讨厌爵士乐。
We're you supposed to be meeting with two people or one? 你该和一个人还是两个人见面?
What does it matter? 这有关系吗?
Let me take care of this, Zoe. 让我来解决这件事,佐伊。
It's Ms. Morgan. 叫我摩根女士。
Get back in the car. 回车里去。
You didn't tell me it was a party. 你可没告诉我会有这么多人。
Talbott handed it over. No problems. 塔伯特把东西交出来了。没问题。
Did you listen to this? 你听过这个了吗?
You didn't hire me to listen. 你花钱可不是让我来听。
Mr. Lawson would like to personally thank you. 劳森先生想要亲自谢谢你。
His fee is all that's necessary. 只要钱到位了就行了。
No, we insist. 不,我们坚持要你来一趟。
Walter, get the driver. 沃尔特,抓住那个司机。