疑犯追踪第1季 第129期:偷车入狱(在线收听

 Hey, this isn't mine! 喂,这不是我的车!

Not mine either. Get in. 也不是我的。上车。
May I at least have your name, before we commit grand theft auto together? 在咱们一块因为偷车入狱之前,至少告诉我你叫啥吧?
First, we need to get you to the police, so you can tell them about what you saw at the bodega. 首先,我们得把你弄到警察局去,把你在杂货店里看到的都告诉他们。
The Russian mob is after me, friend.They've got people on the inside.If I testify, I'm dead. 俄罗斯黑帮在追杀我,老兄。他们在局里有眼线。我说了就死定了。
I know a detective we can trust. 我认识一个信得过的警探。
But we need to get you across the river to Manhattan. Get down! 不过我们得先把你送到河对岸的曼哈顿去。趴下!
We need to keep moving. 我们得快走了。
That's going to be a problem. 这有点小麻烦了。
You say the Russians don't go in there? 你说俄国佬从不敢进去吗?
Well, that's where we're going. See what I mean? 那我们进去。我没说错吧?