疑犯追踪第4季 第1期:苏格兰威士忌(在线收听

 Scotch, neat. 苏格兰威士忌,纯的.

Make it a double. 双份.
That good, eh? 心情那么好?
Let's see. I lost my job today.  让我们来看看.我今天丢了工作.
Top it all off, they canceled my flight. 更惨的是,我的航班被取消了.
Sorry. 真遗憾.
I'm a journalist. 我是记者,
That comes with the territory. 家常便饭了.
You religious? 你信教吗?
Seriously? 真的吗?
That's the line you're going with? 你就这么搭讪的?
No, I'm just curious if you believe in a higher power. 不,我只是好奇你是否信仰更高层的力量.
Imagine if the world had utterly changed, and no one had noticed a thing. 想象下如果这世界已经彻底改变了,却任何人注意到任何事.
I'm talking about an international stealth operation to acquire and shutter every company researching artificial intelligence. 我说的是一个跨国秘密行动,目标是找到并关闭每一家研发人工智能的公司.
Artificial intelligence? 人工智能?
That's a real thing? 那是真实的东西么?
Oh, it's here. 哦,它在这儿呢.
I think an A.I. slipped into the world unannounced, then set out to strangle its rivals in the crib. 我认为某个人工智能已悄然降世,正着手把它的竞争对手都扼杀在摇篮中.
And I know I'm on to something, because my sources keep disappearing. 我知道我肯定是查到点子上了,因为我的线人不断消失.
My editor got reassigned. 我的主编被调任.
And now my job's gone. 现在我又被炒了.
More and more, it just feels like I was the only one investigating the story. 我越来越感觉自己是唯一在调查此事的人了.
I'm sorry. 抱歉.
I'm sure I sound like a real conspiracy nut. 我听起来肯定像个满嘴阴谋论的疯子.
No, I understand. 不,我明白.
You're saying an artificial intelligence bought your paper so you'd lose your job and your flight would be canceled. 你的意思是有个人工智能买下了你工作的报社,所有你丢了工作航班还被取消了.
And you'd end up back at this bar...where the only security camera would go out. 你只得来到这间酒吧,酒吧里唯一的监控摄像头坏了.
And the bartender would have to leave suddenly after getting an emergency text. 而酒保在他收到一条紧急短信后必须突然离开.
The world has changed. 这世界已经改变.
You should know you're not the only one who figured it out. 你应该知道你不是唯一知晓的人.
You're one of three. 只是三个人之一.
The other two will die in a traffic accident in Seattle in 14 minutes. 另外两人会在14分钟后会死于西雅图的一场车祸.