疑犯追踪第4季 第20期:缉毒组(在线收听

 Hey 嘿

What are you doing? 你在做什么?
I.T. , dude. 信息技术部的,哥们儿。
Just setting up your partner's computer. 给你搭档设置电脑。
What do you mean? What partner? 你说啥?什么搭档?
Some hotshot, just made a big bust, got promoted from narcotics. 某位高人,刚办了个大案子,从缉毒组提拔来的。
He can tell you all about it. 让他自己跟你说。
Detective. 警探。
You? 你?
You guys know each other? 你们认识啊?
We've met. 见过。
All set. 搞定。
Make yourself at home. 请自便吧。
Welcome to the Eighth. 欢迎来到第八分局。
Everywhere is freaks and hairies Dykes and fairies 到处都是可怕的, 女的男的同性恋
Tell me, where is sanity? 告诉我,理智在哪里?
Tax the rich Feed the poor 缴富人的税来养穷人吧
Till there are no rich no more 直到再也没有富人
I'd love to change to the world 我想改变世界
But I don't know what to do 但我不知道怎么做
So I'll leave it up to you 所以我把它留给你
Nation bleeding 国家在流血
Still more feeding economy 还要更多的节约
Life is funny 生活很有趣
Skies are sunny 天空很晴朗
Bees make honey 蜜蜂产蜜
Who needs money 谁需要钱
Sameen. 萨姆恩。
Romeo. 罗密欧。
I've been looking for a good match. 我一直在找一个好的手表
hought you might not be interested. 还以为你不会感兴趣呢。
Just careful. 凡事小心嘛。
Us too. 我们也是。
I hear you're looking for some real work. 听说你在找真正的工作。
We need a good wheelman. 我们需要个好车手。
Interested? 有兴趣吗?
Absolutely. 当然。 