疑犯追踪第4季 第30期:第三大道(在线收听

 Trees, lampposts, banners.  树木  街灯  广告牌

Oh, wait.  等等
It's a nautilus,  是鹦鹉螺
and the street lights are more than just a border.  红绿灯不只是边框装饰
it's Braille.  是布莱叶点字法 
The lights are the equivalent of the tactile dots.  亮灯代表触点
The message reads "184th and 3rd."  谜底是  184大街和第三大道交汇处
Claire is very likely making her way there. 克莱尔很可能去了那里
I'm on my way. 我这就去
Let me know when you find her.  找到她后告诉我一声
Still want to pretend you're not playing?  还要装不玩吗
I saw you in the park.  我在那公园见过你
Trust me, Claire, I have no desire to cheat off your work  相信我  克莱尔  我没有利用你的成果作弊
or sabotage your chances of winning.  也不想绊住你取胜
That why you stole my hard drive?  所以你就偷我硬盘吗
Hand it over, or do I have to take it?  还给我  还是要我去拿
Pretty pathetic.  真可悲
If you can't solve the puzzles on your own, 你自己解不出谜题
you shouldn't be here.  就不该来
I wasn't going to be   我并不想来
as much as a friend of mine hoped otherwise.  但我的朋友偏偏希望我来
But something on the drive helped change my mind.  不过硬盘上的一些东西改变了我的想法
My notes?  我的笔记吗
A eulogy for your parents.  你父母的悼词
The young woman who wrote those words  能写出如此文字的年轻姑娘
would never shoot me over a game.  不会为游戏杀人
She values life too much.  她懂得生命的可贵
If that’s what you think   你这么想
then you don’t know me at all.  那是完全不了解我
What’s the status?  情况如何
Alarm system disabled throughout the bank.  整个银行的警报系统都被解除了
You cut through the vault, you’re home free.  直入金库  大功告成
Let's go.  走