疑犯追踪第4季 第32期:队友(在线收听

 He's the guy who tells me when to let go.  掌握你一条小命的人

This game of yours what's its ultimate purpose?  你的游戏  最终目的是什么
You work alone or with a team?  你独自行动还是有队友
I don't know what you're talking about.  我不知道你在说什么
How many fingers does it take to make an espresso? 做杯意式特浓咖啡需要几根手指
You see this okay, 看清楚没
or do you need me  to staple it to your eyeball? 要不要我钉进你眼睛里
The poster? It's not mine. 那个启事吗  不关我的事
It came in an email.  是电邮发给我的
Sent by whom?  发信人是谁
It was anonymous. Please!  是匿名信  求你了
It told me when and where to put up the poster.  信中指明了张贴启事的时间和地点
I did it. 1,000 bucks was wired to my account. 我照做后  一千美金就打入了我账户
That's all I know, I swear.  我就知道这些  我发誓
I'm going to need to see that email.  我得看下那封电子邮件
And I'm gonna need you to make yourself useful.  我给你找点事做
Tall latte, and you better not give me decaf.  来杯拿铁  别给姐做成低咖啡因的
Harold, I'm at 184th and 3rd.  哈罗德  我在184大街和第三大道交汇处
Only place open is a biker bar.  只有一家飙车族酒吧开着
Beer.  啤酒
John, have you managed to find Claire?  约翰  找到克莱尔了吗
I found her.  找到了
Brave girl, walking into a place like this.  好大胆的姑娘  敢进来这种地方
As usual, she's staring at something,  她还是老样子  在盯着个东西看
And I have no idea what.  我是一头雾水
That makes two of us.  彼此彼此
I've been trying to trace the source of an email  我在查那封电邮的源头
that I believe was sent by the creator of the game. 相信就是发信人组织了这场游戏
The results are nothing short of baffling.  但结果令人费解
The email appears to have no point of origin. 这邮件看起来根本没有源头
It simply materialized in the recipient's inbox. 凭空出现在收件箱里了
Excuse me. 抱歉
No way you're leaving till I get you a drink. 要走  也等我先请你喝一杯