疑犯追踪第4季 第33期:钱包(在线收听

 Nice offer.  多谢好意

Too bad that guy's about to steal your wallet.  真是不巧那家伙正在偷你的钱包
What? No, I wasn't.  什么  我没有
Now I'm gonna do the same thing to your arms.  你的胳膊也要落得如此下场了
Excuse me. Does this thing work?  打扰下  这电话还好用吗
Yep, works just fine.  挺好用的
Don't move! 不许动
Really?  真的吗
That's a good choice.  明智之选
Now, I'm gonna give you another one.  现在你得再做个选择
You're not equipped to be here,  你现在还没到火候
not in this place and not in this game you're playing,  不该来这酒吧  不该玩这游戏
So either you choose to quit playing, 所以要么你退出游戏
or I arrest you to keep you safe. 要么我逮捕你  保你安全
So what's it gonna be?  你选哪个
Quit.  退出
Glad we could have this talk. 跟你交谈很愉快
Nautilus eyes. 鹦鹉螺眼睛
Found the next puzzle, Finch.  找到下一个谜题了  芬奇
Heading after Claire.  我去追克莱尔
Harold, I got two guys across the street wearing comms.  哈罗德  街对面有两个家伙带着对讲机
Claire's got a welcoming party. 克莱尔有麻烦了
Oh, dear. 天啊
What's going on?  怎么了
I'm tracing this email.  我正追踪邮件
But something just hacked back with incredible force. 被人以千钧之力反黑了回来
My hard drive's being torn apart.  我的硬盘正被毁
They're tracing our location!  他们在追踪我们的位置
What are you gonna do?  那你怎么办
Drive.  开车
The PMCs are making their move. I'm heading in.  那伙佣兵要行动了  我马上过去
No, John, you can't interfere.  不行  约翰  你不能插手