疑犯追踪第4季 第56期:落伍(在线收听

 You're not the one pretending to need professional help to get a date. 你又不用扮需要花钱请人帮助才能约到女人的悲剧货

And when was the last time you had a date, Lionel? 那你上次约会是什么时候来着  莱奈尔
Looks like professional help just arrived. 花钱请的那人到了
How you doing? Fusco. 你好吗  我是弗斯科
Your friend Harold didn't warn me 你朋友哈罗德可没警告我
what I was dealing with here. 要处理的是这种啊
Could have been a little more up-front. 应该事先坦白嘛
Excuse me? 你说啥
He bought you a two-day package. 他买了个两天的套餐
This is more like a-- like a five-day situation. 你这情况  怎么也得五天啊
Maybe seven. 也许要七天
You're in insurance? 你在保险界
Yeah, that's right. 对  没错
Is it like an online business? 是在网上交易吧
Look, I don't need to take this crap. Come on, come on, come on, sit down. 我才不要受这种羞辱 别别别  坐吧
Think about meeting women 其实跟女人搭讪
like you're selling yourself. 就是在销售自我
All right? 明白吗
They need to feel like you've made an effort, 要让她们感觉你很努力
that you didn't just roll out of bed 而不是早上一起床
and throw on yesterday's suit with a new shirt. 干净的衬衫外边套着一件昨天穿过的西装
Holy crap. That is yesterday's suit. 哎呦喂  还真就是昨天的西装
I am here to teach you 我是来教你
how to earn a woman's affections, 如何赢得女人的芳心
not trick her into it, 而不是诱骗人家
and you, my friend, 而你  我的朋友
you need to do better. 需要更加努力
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 哦? 是的。
'cause if this is you dressing to impress, 你穿这身是想招人喜欢吗
well, I am not, 我可不喜欢
And the ladies aren't gonna be either. 女士们更不喜欢
He's got a point. 他说得对
What's wrong with what I'm wearing? 我穿的有什么不对
I don't even know where to start. 我简直不知道从何说起
The faded color. The fireproof fabric. 褪色的西装  老旧的用料
That sad tie. 悲剧的领带
If you're going for the least modern man in this room, 如果你想打扮成这个房间里最落伍的人
congratulations, you have won. 恭喜你  你赢了
I've also won a few boxing matches, too. 我还赢过几场拳击赛呢
You want to go a few rounds? 你想来几回合吗
Come on. 来吧
Let's get to work. 该干活儿了
Where are we going? 去哪儿
Shopping. 购物
I hope you have a decent line of credit. 希望你的信用卡够刷
I think I know who's gonna kill our guy. 我知道谁想杀他了
Who? 谁
Me. 我 