疑犯追踪第4季 第57期:动机(在线收听

 What may I do for you, Ms. Groves? 有什么需要帮忙的  格罗夫斯女士

It's very... 这里非常
I think the word you're looking for is Spartan. 我想你要说的是"清苦"
Yes, and well-hidden. 是的  并且很隐蔽
She gave you and the kids a nice, new home. 她给你和孩子们找了个不错的新家
I'll ask again. 我再问一遍
The machine needs a favor. 机器需要你的帮助
No. 不
She knew you'd doubt her motives. 她知道你怀疑她的动机
Let her make it up to you. 让她做出补偿吧
She promises it will be worth something to all three of you. 她保证这对你们三个都有好处
What is it that the machine wants? 机器想要什么
I don't know yet. 我还不知道
She gave me very little to go on. 她说得不多
She can't talk to me the way she used to with Samaritan watching, 有撒马利亚人监控  她不能像以前一样跟我交流
But I do know where to start. 但我知道如何着手
Excellent. A wild goose chase. 真好啊  四处徒劳奔波
I'd like to think of it more as a scavenger hunt. 我更愿意看成是寻宝
Where's your partner? 你搭档呢
Re-interviewing suspects on a case. 重审一个案子的嫌疑人
How is that working out for you? 那个有效果吗
How's it look? 你觉得呢
One patch is not enough. 一张戒烟贴根本不够
Yeah, I could have told you that from your chewed-up fingernails. 从你咬坏了的指甲上也能看出来
That's a pretty good parlor trick, Detective. 社交技巧不错啊  警探
You putting those skills to work out in the field yet? 不把这些招数用在出外勤的时候吗
I got a lead on Wendy Montgomery's murder, 我有温迪?蒙哥马利谋杀案的线索了
That realtor who was shot walking home from work. 那个下班走路回家时被杀的房产经纪人
Looked like a mugging. 看起来像抢劫杀人
Yeah, her husband was the prime suspect, 对  她丈夫是首要嫌疑人
but we didn't have any real leads. 但我们没找到有用线索
Well, we do now. 现在找到了