疑犯追踪第4季 第88期:安全的地方(在线收听

 This wasn't supposed to happen. 不应该这样的。

Damn right it wasn't! 确实不应该!
Things just got ugly. 事态发展得严重了。
Murray has hundreds on his team, all of whom could blame simon for the defeat. Any one of them might want him dead. 莫雷的团队有数百人,人人都有可能把失败怪到西蒙头上。任何人都可能想杀了西蒙。
Stop! 住手!
Now, this is an election I can get into. 这种选战我才喜欢啊。
There we go. Now, can you see me? Excellent. Next question, who am I? Very good. Now, let's begin. 好了。你能看到我吗?很好。下个问题:我是谁?很好。开始吧。
Alice and Bob are stranded in the desert. Alice is injured, and cannot walk. 艾丽丝和鲍伯被困在沙漠中。艾丽丝受了伤,无法行走。
If Bob carries Alice to safety, they both stand a 31% chance of survival, but if Bob leaves alice, his chance improves by 9%. 如果鲍伯把艾丽丝带到安全的地方,他们存活的可能性都只有31%,可如果鲍伯不管艾丽丝,他存活的可能性就能提高9%。
Teaching it word problems? Is our little project gonna catch terrorists or kick ass at 5th grade math? 教它数学呢?咱们这程序是要抓恐怖分子,还是要解五年级数学题啊?
Both, eventually. I'm testing the core code-- the higher functions-- to ensure that the system we're creating will have the right value set. 都要。我在测试核心代码——高级功能——以确保我们创建的系统有正确的价值观。
Morality in a machine. It's a tall order. 机器有道德。好像不可能的任务啊。
We can't introduce real data until we're sure that the program won't abuse it. 要提供真正数据前,必须要确保这程序不会滥用。
That's strange. Did you write this? 奇怪,这是你写的吗?