疑犯追踪第4季 第101期:快输了(在线收听

 Don't tie your life to its whims. We cannot understand these intelligences. The best we can hope for is to survive them. 别为它葬送你的一生。我们不可能理解人工智能。最好的结果也不过是跟它们比命长。

She loves us, Harold. She taught me to value life, but war requires sacrifice. 她爱我们,哈罗德。她教会我珍视生命,但战争需要牺牲。
I'm not lost. I'm scared. We're losing. But I know where I am and where I'm headed. 我没有迷茫。我只是害怕,我们快输了。但我知道我在哪儿,知道我要去哪儿。
We have more to look forward to than death. 结局不一定非得是死亡。
I hope so. But the life I've led, a good end would be a privilege. 但愿如此。但我这一生,早就不指望善终了。
It's not where you begin, it's where you end up. You're a brilliant woman, comrade...and a friend. 起点不重要,终点才重要。你才华横溢,既是伙伴...亦是朋友。
If the worst comes to pass, if you could give Shaw a message? 如果最坏的结果出现,帮我跟肖捎句话好吗?
I think she already knows. We will win this war. 我想她已经知道了。我们会赢。
If we do, there's no chance in hell all of us make it out alive. You have to be prepared for that. 就算赢了,也不可能我们所有人全身而退。你必须做好准备。
Housekeeping. 客房清洁。
The room phone is dead. Can I use your cell? It's an emergency. 客房电话坏了。能借用你的手机吗?有急事。
If we don't stop that call, Samaritan will be able to track him. 不截断这通电话,撒马利亚人就会追踪到他。