
 Ahab's harpoon, the one forged at Perth's fire, remained firmly lashed in its conspicuous crotch, so that it projected beyond his whale-boat's bow; 亚哈的标枪,就是那支在柏斯的熔炉里炼出来的标枪,依然紧缚在它那突出的枪架上,所以,它直伸在他那只捕鲸小艇的艇头外边;

but the sea that had stove its bottom had caused the loose leather sheath to drop off; 可是那打穿了艇肚的海浪,已使得那松弛了的标枪鞘皮脱落了;
and from the keen steel barb there now came a levelled flame of pale, forked fire. 那锐利的钢钩上,有一股均匀的灰蒙蒙的、叉形的火焰。
As the silent harpoon burned there like a serpent's tongue, Starbuck grasped Ahab by the arm — "God, God is against thee, old man; forbear! 就在那支悄然的标枪头烧得象一条蛇舌的时候,斯达巴克抓住亚哈的胳膊——"天啊,上天也在反对你啦,老人家;得当心呀!
't is an ill voyage! ill begun, ill continued; 这是个不吉利的航程呀,不吉利开始啦,不吉利还要继续下去;
let me square the yards, while we may, old man, and make a fair wind of it homewards, to go on a better voyage than this." 趁我们还来得及,老人家,我们还是调正帆臂,使它顺风驶回家去,总比这样的航程好呀。"
Overhearing Starbuck, the panic-stricken crew instantly ran to the braces — though not a sail was left aloft. 那些吓慌了的水手一偷听到斯达巴克这番话,立刻都奔到转帆索那边去——虽然那上面连一张帆都没有了。
For the moment all the aghast mate's thoughts seemed theirs; they raised a half mutinous cry. 一时间,那个惊慌的大副的一切想法似乎也就是他们的想法,水手们发出一阵有点象是哗变的叫声。
But dashing the rattling lightning links to the deck, and snatching the burning harpoon, Ahab waved it like a torch among them; 可是,亚哈把那些闪电似的链环克朗地朝甲板上一掷,抓起那支燃烧着的标枪,象擎着一支火把那般,在他们中间挥来挥去;
swearing to transfix with it the first sailor that but cast loose a rope's end. 大声咒骂说,哪个水手敢先松解一下索头,就用这标枪把他戳穿。
Petrified by his aspect, and still more shrinking from the fiery dart that he held, the men fell back in dismay, and Ahab again spoke: — 水手们看到他这副神气,都傻了眼,又更怕他手里拿着的火一般的标枪会猛地戳来,大家都沮丧地退缩了,于是亚哈又开口了:
All your oaths to hunt the White Whale are as binding as mine; and heart, soul, and body, lungs and life, old Ahab is bound. 你们大家那个打白鲸的誓约,都跟我的誓约一样应该兑现;我亚哈老头已经把良心、灵魂、身体、五脏六腑和生命全都交给它了。