疑犯追踪第4季 第142期:公关办公室(在线收听

 I doubt your client has the same high moral standards. I need a name. 你的客户可没这么高的道德标准了。告诉我名字。

Never got one. Anonymous emails, payments by one-time wire transfer. It's better for everyone if we don't use names. 没有。匿名邮件,一次性转账的付款。不提名字对大家都好。
But I'm gonna find the bastard behind this. I'm gonna steal those vials back, and I'm gonna make him pay. You in? 但我会找到幕后黑手的。我会把那些瓶子偷回来,要他付出代价。你加入吗?
What do you think? I have a friend who can make those anonymous emails way less anonymous. 你觉得呢?我有个朋友可以把那些匿名邮件变得没那么匿名。
So this is where the magic happens. Rented 10,000 square feet of office space and filled it with state-of-the-art 3-D printers. 这里就是见证奇迹的地方。租来的一万平方尺办公室装满了最先进的3D打印机。
Almost all the 12 million went to paying for these, but once they're up and running, we'll be making all the tablets right here in New York. 一千两百万几乎全都花在这上面了,不过一旦运行起来,我们就会在纽约这里制造全部的平板。
That's our prototype. Just imagine giving one of those to every kid in the state. 这是样机。想像下全国的孩子们人手一台平板。
Amazing. I'll tell the governor our grant money is in good hands. 太棒了。我会告诉州长拨款得到了妥善使用。
Why are you guys putting up cameras? 你们为什么要装摄像头?
I'm from the public relations office, Jerrod. The governor wants a time lapse of your tablets being made to put on our website. 我是公关办公室的,杰罗德。州长想在我们的网站上放上你平板制作的定时拍摄画面。
Or an evil A.I. wants to keep a close eye on its baby brainwashers. 或者一个邪恶的人工智能想盯紧它的洗脑工具。
Our intrusion into Wilkins' computer must have put Samaritan on alert, making it that much more difficult to do what we must. 我们入侵威尔金斯的电脑肯定引起了撒马利亚人的注意,现在想做什么肯定更困难了。
Difficult but...we'll find a way in. 难是难,不过...我们有办法的。
But first we'll need to go shopping. 不过我们先要去买点东西。
Any progress finding the virus, Mr. Reese? 找到病毒了吗,里瑟先生?
Well, I tracked down Max and Henrik, but I don't think they're gonna talk. I searched their bodies. No phones, no wallets, and no sign of the virus. 我找到了麦克斯和亨里克,但他们开不了口了。我查了他们的尸体。没有手机,没有钱包,也没看到病毒。
So it would seem that Tomas is not the only one that this client has double-crossed. 看来托马斯并非唯一上了这位客户当的人。
If these guys knew who he was, maybe someone else does too. 如果这俩人知道他是谁,或许别人也知道。