疑犯追踪第4季 第169期:两害权其轻(在线收听

 I never finished high school myself, could have used this in the joint. So you finished your one job with the brotherhood, huh? 我都没上完高中,原本想在关键时刻用这个。你干完跟兄弟会的"仅此一次"了?

Hey, man, look. I got no beef with the Trinitarios. 我说老兄。我跟3NI帮没瓜葛。
Yeah, but the thing is, we're a part of the brotherhood now. And we have no use for you no more. - No! 但事实上,我们现在是兄弟会的一员了。所以你也就没用了。-不!
Don't do it, Ortiz. 别这样,奥蒂兹。
Plaats. Easy, kid. (荷兰语)停。放松,孩子。
It's been you all along-- pretending to be my friend while planning my murder. 一直都是你——一面假装朋友,一面暗算谋杀。
Murder? 谋杀?
I don't know nothing about no murder. I was just trying to steal some files. I had no choice. 我不知道什么谋杀。我只是想偷些文件。我别无选择。
I'm afraid that's correct, Mr. Reese. Ortiz's uncle works for the community center that Dominic runs. 恐怕他说的是真的,里瑟先生。奥蒂兹的叔叔在多米尼克手下的社区中心工作。
An elite defense attorney got him exonerated for a recent drug charge. The uncle was Dominic's leverage. 精英辩护律师帮助他,让他从最近的一起涉毒指控无罪释放了。他的叔叔是多米尼克的筹码。
Dominic forced you to steal the files. 多米尼克逼你去偷文件的。
You don't understand. Where I'm from, you only got two bad choices. 你不明白。生在那种环境,只能两害权其轻。
You still have two bad choices, but only one ends with you bleeding out. 你现在还得再两害权其轻,其中之一是你血流成河。
It was only supposed to be one job. 本来说好仅此一次的。
With the Brotherhood, it's never just one job. 和兄弟会牵扯上,不可能仅此一次。
That's their alarm. 是他们的警报。
Vamonos. Come on. Let's go. 走,快点。快走了。
Every Trinitario within a ten-block radius is gonna come running. 十个街区内的所有3NI帮成员都在赶着来这里。
How much ammo you got? 你有多少子弹?
Not nearly enough. 远远不够。